Leave potato paratha in winter and eat Bathua paratha, health will remain fit along with taste

Bathua Ka Paratha Recipe: Everyone likes to eat hot parathas with tea in cold weather. Most of the people think of potato or cauliflower parathas. These parathas have the highest demand in every household. But do you know that parathas made of Bathua in winter are very beneficial for health as well as taste. Bathua’s … Read more

Clean the lungs in these natural ways in pollution, the disease will remain away

Air Pollution in Delhi: Air pollution has taken a dangerous form in Delhi and its surrounding areas for the last few days. Since Diwali, a thick blanket of smog has engulfed the country’s capital Delhi. According to the report, this is the first time in three years that the level of pollution in the city … Read more

Clean the baby’s milk bottle in this way, diseases will remain away

Milk Bottle Cleaning: Apart from being fragile, the immunity of the baby is also not fully developed. In such a situation, elders have to be careful so that the baby can be protected from diseases and infections. In such a situation, it is very important to wash and sterilize the milk bottle of small children, … Read more

In the winter season, eat jaggery in these ways, even cold will not be felt and health will also remain

Health Benefits of Jaggery: Jaggery is absolutely desi and our traditional sweet. It is prepared from sugarcane but at the same time jaggery is prepared from palm juice and date juice. Apart from calories, jaggery contains many other vitamins and minerals, which keep the body healthy. Along with this, the effect of jaggery is hot … Read more

Make the five elements a part of life, according to Ayurveda, including these 5 elements will remain healthy

Food According To Ayurveda: Our body is made up of five elements, which include earth, water, air, fire and sky. These 5 elements are divided into 7 main chakras of the body. The balance of these five elements and seven chakras makes the body healthy. In ancient times, from Vedas to scholars, everyone has accepted … Read more

Trikatu powder is a panacea for cold, cold and stomach diseases will remain away

Trikatu Churna Benefits: Staying away from diseases in the cold is no less than a challenge in itself. It becomes difficult to bear the kind of cold in North India. In such a situation, people are very much troubled by the cold. Such things should be consumed in cold, so that the body remains warm … Read more

East, West, North and South.. Which side to sleep facing so that happiness, prosperity and health remain

Sound Sleep: For a healthy body, it is also important to have a healthy sleep. If you are sleeping less then it is directly inviting diseases. If a person is sleeping less than 6 or 7 hours continuously, then he can be a patient of depression, anxiety, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes. Be it Ayurveda … Read more

Drink this water every day, diseases will remain away, medicines will not be needed

Water Benefits: Spices like cinnamon, cloves, fennel, carom seeds and black pepper are very beneficial for health along with making Indian food tasty. By drinking the water of these spices, our body gets rid of many diseases. Today we will tell you many benefits of water prepared from these spices, knowing that you will also … Read more