सूंघने की क्षमता खोना बड़े खतरे की आहट! इन बीमारियों की शुरुआत के हो सकते हैं संकेत

सूंघने की क्षमता खोना बड़े खतरे की आहट! इन बीमारियों की शुरुआत के हो सकते हैं संकेत

क्या आपकी सूंघने की कैपिसिटी कमजोर पड़ रही है? अगर आपका जवाब ‘हां’ है तो वक्त आ गया है कि सतर्क हो लिया जाए. ऐसा हम इसलिए कह रहे हैं क्योंकि सूंघने की क्षमता खोना गंभीर बीमारियों की चपेट में आने का एक संकेत भी हो सकता है. हाल ही में हुए एक शोध में … Read more

डॉर्क चॉकलेट से लेकर ग्रीन टी तक क्या सच में आपके स्ट्रोस को करते हैं कम, स्टडी में हुआ खुलासा

डॉर्क चॉकलेट से लेकर ग्रीन टी तक क्या सच में आपके स्ट्रोस को करते हैं कम, स्टडी में हुआ खुलासा

<p>खाना हमारे शरीर के भीतर विभिन्न शारीरिक और रासायनिक प्रक्रियाओं पर अपने प्रभाव के कारण हमारे मनोदशा और भावनाओं को प्रभावित कर सकता है. भोजन और मनोदशा के बीच का संबंध बहुत जटिल है. भोजन कभी-कभी वास्तव में तनाव निवारक हो सकता है और यहां तक कि विज्ञान भी यही कहता है, तो आइए कुछ … Read more

‘Diabetes explosion’ happening in India, shocking revelations in UK report, if you want to avoid it, start from today

‘Diabetes explosion’ happening in India, shocking revelations in UK report, if you want to avoid it, start from today

How To Stay Away From Diabetes: In the case of diabetes, India’s statistics are shocking everyday. At present, the number of diabetic patients is 101 million. Till three years ago, there were close to 70 million diabetic patients in the country. Not only this, the number of pre-diabetic, that is, such people who are standing … Read more

Dark chocolate is healthy! Thinking of this, if you eat a lot, then be careful

Dark chocolate is healthy!  Thinking of this, if you eat a lot, then be careful

Nowadays the biggest problem of people is increasing weight. Every man wants to keep his weight under control. Whenever it comes to health and chocolate, we often choose dark chocolate. It has also been said in many researches that dark chocolate is a great source of antioxidants and is also good in terms of health. … Read more

Double attack of obesity and malnutrition on humans in coming 12 years, know what is the reason

Double attack of obesity and malnutrition on humans in coming 12 years, know what is the reason

A report by the World Obesity Federation has claimed that in the coming 12 years, almost half of the world’s population i.e. 51 percent will be obese. The report reveals that this problem will increase mostly in low-income countries and children will be the largest number of people in its grip. Children most likely to … Read more

AI technology creates new proteins from scratch: Research, Health News, ET HealthWorld

AI technology creates new proteins from scratch: Research, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Washington: Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of creating artificial enzymes from scratch. In laboratory experiments, some of these enzymes performed as well as those found in nature, even though their artificially created amino acid sequences differed vastly from any known natural enzymes. protein. The experiment shows that natural language processing, although developed … Read more

Researchers develop artificial intelligence tool to predict risk of lung cancer, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Researchers develop artificial intelligence tool to predict risk of lung cancer, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Washington: Lung cancer it is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States and throughout the world. Low-dose chest computed tomography (LDCT) is suggested for follow-up in people 50 to 80 years of age with a significant history of smoking or who are active smokers. Lung cancer screening with LDCT has been shown … Read more

Cell identity understanding can be improved through machine learning: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Cell identity understanding can be improved through machine learning: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Washington: When genes are turned on and expressed, they show patterns in cells that are similar in type and function in all tissues and organs. The discovery of these patterns improves our understanding of cells, which has implications for revealing disease mechanisms. The advent of the spatial transcriptomics has allowed researchers to observe gene expression … Read more