Excess intake of Vitamin D can make you sick, know everything from experts

Hypervitaminosis D: We all know how important vitamin D is for our health, it strengthens bones, strengthens teeth, and also strengthens the immune system. it occurs. If Vitamin D is not available in the right quantity, the bones become weak and there is a possibility of many diseases related to bones. These things are on … Read more

Do you wear inner in winter? So know the special things related to it, otherwise you will get sick.

The winter season has knocked. As soon as this season comes, we first remember the inner. Because whether you have to wear dress or crop top or shirt-t-shirt inner always protects you from cold. However, it is also very important to take care of many things in the winter season. Because many times it happens … Read more

The ‘unhealthy’ countries of the world where people get sick the most

These are the most ‘unhealthy’ countries in the world, people here have taken disease as a part of life! , Source link

Is this habit of yours making you sick again and again, it is better to change them

Healthy Lifestyle: Nowadays lifestyle has become such that many people fall ill again and again. To avoid this and keep themselves healthy, many people improve their diet, while some resort to yoga and exercise. But many mistakes spoil all their hard work. The reason for falling ill again and again is not one but many. … Read more

Your child will not get sick in the changing season, keep these things in mind

Cold in Kids: You will be surprised to know that by the age of 3, most children have cold and cough problem 6 to 8 times in a year. Usually, when these viruses attack the children’s body for the first time, their immune system is not able to fight the virus as well as it … Read more

Pain India star Samantha Prabhu caught by myositis, what effect does this sick have on the body

Myositis Treatment: Famous actress and pen India star Samantha Ruth Prabhu of South cinema has been affected by an autoimmune disorder called Myositis. He himself has disclosed this on his social media account. The disease that affects the heart, eyes and other organs is quite serious, from swelling in the veins. What is this disease, … Read more

Corona is not giving up, 50% of the patients are still sick after a year, shocking revelation in research

Corona Virus: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. Kovid patients were seen in every house. Delta variants knocked in every house. Killed thousands of people. After the vaccination campaign of the Indian government, there has been a decrease in the cases of Kovid and now the virus has not been as effective, but the negative … Read more

If your eyes are getting sick somewhere, do not ignore these symptoms at all

Eye Problem: By the way, every part of the body is a unique gift given by nature. But some of these parts are very precious. One such part is your eyes. It is the eyes that tell what nature is like and what is its light? If there are no eyes, the world becomes desolate. … Read more