If you feel tired all the time or the pain persists in your left hand, be vigilant.

In the recent past, the number of patients suffering from cardiac arrest has increased rapidly; strokes, heart attacks, blockages or other problems are very common. But people have the impression that cardiac arrest happens suddenly and is not known in advance. But if you keep these little things in mind and do not ignore these … Read more

Obsession with being fit can make you a heart patient, you can also fall into depression.

Working out causes a heart attack : Does your obsession with staying fit make you a heart patient? Are you creating depression in your mind by thinking about fitness? This question is due to the fact that today many young people are suffering from heart attacks due to this problem. In the recent past, there … Read more

कान में होने लगे ये समस्या तो समझ जाएं हार्ट अटैक का है इशारा, भूलकर भी ना करें नजरअंदाज

Heart Attack Ear Symptoms: लोगों को लगता है कि हार्ट अटैक तुरंत आ जाता है लेकिन एक्सपर्ट्स भी मानते हैं कि हार्ट अटैक आने से पहले इसके कुछ लक्षण शरीर में पहले ही नजर आने लगते हैं, जिसे अगर समय रहते हमने भाप लिया तो हार्ट अटैक के खतरे को कम किया जा सकता है. इन्हीं … Read more

Chest pain does not only mean heart attack, these 5 diseases can also be signs

Chest Pain : People often mistake stomach gas or heart attack for chest pain. But it is not necessary because chest pain can also be a sign of other diseases. In such a situation, the doctor should be seen first in case of pain. Apart from chest pain, if there are no other symptoms of … Read more

Do not ignore even minor abdominal pain, gas problem can cause heart attack

Nowadays the problem of stomach pain is quite common. There can be many reasons for this. But sometimes this normal stomach pain problem can become the cause of your heart attack. Often people ignore minor abdominal pain. Thinking that the food will not be digested properly, hence the gas is happening and due to that … Read more

You can see these signs in the beginning due to heart disease, do not forget to ignore them

Symptoms of heart attack: The symptoms of heart disease can really debilitate a person from inside as such a person experiences tightness in the chest or difficulty in breathing. There has been an increase in the number of people coming to hospitals for heart ailments, including people of all ages. Heart disease kills more than … Read more

Heart attack is coming…signs are visible in the eyes

Healthy Heart: Often you must have heard that more than a person’s tongue, his eyes tell the truth. The tongue also tells lies, but the eyes of any human being cannot tell lies. To an extent, this can also be said about your health. Many times it has been seen that your health is not … Read more