What is sleep apnea? Know how this disease affects your heart and brain

What is sleep apnea? Know how this disease affects your heart and brain

Sleep apnea: If you also snore continuously during your sleep and this snoring has been going on for a long time, you also need to be a little careful as it can create a great danger for you in the future. Snoring during sleep causes stopping of breathing, decrease in oxygen level and that is … Read more

भारत में नींद न आने से परेशान हैं 10 करोड़ लोग, जानें कितनी ‘खतरनाक’ है ये समस्या

भारत में नींद न आने से परेशान हैं 10 करोड़ लोग, जानें कितनी ‘खतरनाक’ है ये समस्या

Sleep Apnea Disorder : नींद पूरी न होने से सेहत से जुड़ी कई तरह की समस्याएं होने लगती है. एम्स नई दिल्ली की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, भारत में करीब 10 करोड़ लोग नींद की बीमारी से जूझ रहे हैं. इनमें ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया (Sleep Apnea) की समस्या पाई गई है. यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है, जिसमें … Read more

Breathing stops in sleep with restlessness, US President Joe Biden is suffering from this serious disease

Breathing stops in sleep with restlessness, US President Joe Biden is suffering from this serious disease

American President Joe Biden is in the news these days regarding his health. The White House has shared an update on the health of the bidet. It has been told in this report that the President has been suffering from a particular disease for a long time. In this disease, along with restlessness during the … Read more

Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways How This Sleep Disorder Impacts Overall Health

Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways How This Sleep Disorder Impacts Overall Health

Home Health Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways This Sleep Disorder Affects Overall Health This sleep deprivation can leave someone more tired and make their daily life difficult. When left untreated, it can further affect physical and mental health. Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways This Sleep Disorder Affects General Health (Freepik) Sleep and sleep-related health problems are not … Read more

What is Sleep Apnea, in which breathing suddenly stops while sleeping?

What is Sleep Apnea, in which breathing suddenly stops while sleeping?

Sleep Apnea Symptoms: Sleep disorders are lifestyle related diseases. If you want to keep yourself healthy, then it is necessary to improve the life style. Today, let us talk about one such sleeping disorder, which has become very common in people from youth to old age. Youth is because their focus is more on fast … Read more