Diabetes Control: How Sleep Cycle Affects High Blood Sugar?

Home Health Diabetes Control: How Sleep Cycle Affects High Blood Sugar? Living with diabetes is not very easy. Apart from diet and lifestyle, did you know that your sleep schedule can affect your blood sugar levels too? Sleep deprivation has become a common problem that most of us suffer from but fail to realise its … Read more

बिस्तर पर जाने से पहले चलाते हैं फोन, देखते हैं वेब सीरीज… तो हो जाएं सावधान

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Sleeping Tips:</strong> नींद हमारे शरीर के लिए उतना ही जरूरी है जितना की खाना-पीना. सेहतमंद रहने के लिए अच्छे खानपान के साथ अच्छी नींद लेना भी उतना ही जरूरी. नींद हमारे शरीर की रिकवरी और विकास दोनों में मददगार है. नींद की कमी से हमारे शरीर में थकान और सिरदर्द की समस्या होने … Read more

Trouble Sleeping? 5 Bedtime Rituals For Good Quality Slumber and Mental Health

Home Health Trouble Sleeping? 5 Bedtime Rituals For Good Quality Slumber and Mental Health Sleep problems are often overlooked but can significantly have adverse effect on our bodies. Here is a 5 step routine to practise for a restful night. Trouble Sleeping? 5 Bedtime Rituals For Good Quality Slumber and Mental Health Sleep deprivation is … Read more

Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What We Know

Home Health Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What We Know Did you know that afternoon naps can actually help and be beneficial for stress? While some like it and some don’t, it may serve certain health benefits. Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What … Read more

Does the 10-3-2-1 Rule of Sleep Really Help For Restful Night? Here’s The Truth

Home Lifestyle Does the 10-3-2-1 Rule of Sleep Really Help For Restful Night? Here’s The Truth Sleep hygiene is important for everyone. Did you know about this sleeping rule that may help you take a quality slumber? Tossing and turning in bed? If the disturbed sleep cycle is a pattern, then it is a red … Read more

Weight Loss and Sleep: 5 Ways How Poor Quality Sleep Cycle Can Hamper Your Goal of Reducing Extra Kilos

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss and Sleep: 5 Ways How Poor Quality Sleep Cycle Can Hamper Your Goal of Reducing Extra Kilos Apart from exercise and diet, sleep is one the major components that impact weight loss routine. Uncovering the connection between the two, here is how poor quality sleep can hamper weight loss routine. How … Read more

Irregular Sleep Cycle? 6 Reasons Why Having Proper Sleep Schedule is Essential

Home Health Irregular Sleep Cycle? 6 Reasons Why Having Proper Sleep Schedule is Essential Not having a proper sleep pattern can affect our over health in ways that we may not even realise. Here is why having a good quality sleep is vital for health. ‘My sleep schedule is very erratic. I have no sleep … Read more

Sleep Deprived? Include These 5 Vitamins in Your Diet for Better Sleep

Home Health Lack of sleep? Include these 5 vitamins in your diet to sleep better The nutritionist recommends five nutrients that can help you have more zzz at night. Lack of sleep? Include these 5 vitamins in your diet to sleep better Good night’s sleep DIET: It’s no secret that nutrition can play a critical … Read more