Sleep in the fan by adopting these methods, not AC and cooler

Sleep in the fan by adopting these methods, not AC and cooler

Sleeping Tips For Summer: Summer is at its peak. The sun is blazing fire. In such a situation, someone tells you that you should not sleep in AC and cooler but with ceiling fans or table fans. Hearing this advice, you will laugh at the front and get angry too. After all, how can anyone … Read more

Health And Fitness Mistakes Women Need to Stop Making

Health And Fitness Mistakes Women Need to Stop Making

You look unattractive, are you wearing some extra kilos? These are very common things to hear when you are overweight or let’s say when you are ‘fat’. When we say that a person needs to be comfortable in his skin, we forget that society has demarcated some way in which a woman should appear, we … Read more

Drink this special tea before sleeping for a good and deep sleep

Drink this special tea before sleeping for a good and deep sleep

How To Get Good Sleep: Good and deep sleep is very important for health. When the sleep is deep and without dreams, then in the morning you wake up with a very fresh mood. Sleep is very important for mental and physical health as well as beauty. You can get a good sleep at night … Read more

Transgender college students more likely to suffer from sleep disorders and mental health issues

Transgender college students more likely to suffer from sleep disorders and mental health issues

Transgender people are more likely to experience discrimination, isolation and lack of social support. This, coupled with negative psychosocial challenges like being denied access to gender-neutral restrooms, combined with being a college student, and you have what associate professor of neurology Shelley Hershner MD calls “a perfect storm” that can contribute to sleep. disorders and … Read more

Sleep well and deep, drink this special tea before sleeping

Sleep well and deep, drink this special tea before sleeping

How To Get Good Sleep: Good and deep sleep is very important for health. When the sleep is deep and without dreams, then in the morning you wake up with a very fresh mood. Sleep is very important for mental and physical health as well as beauty. You can have a good night’s sleep and … Read more

Want To Stay Asleep Through The Entire Night? Work Out At This Time

Want To Stay Asleep Through The Entire Night? Work Out At This Time

and from exercise releases endorphins and brings more oxygen to the braindoing it close to bedtime, but not also close—can help you get in the right mindset for sleep. A 2018 review on the daily Sports medicine found that nighttime exercise helped people fall asleep faster and spend more time in deep sleep stages, since … Read more

Try these tips to get rid of sleep while studying

Try these tips to get rid of sleep while studying

Stop Sleepiness: Do you get sleepy while studying? Try these tips to get away. Source link

Why do unknown people appear in dreams, what is their relationship with sleep, know

Why do unknown people appear in dreams, what is their relationship with sleep, know

Dreams And Unknown Faces: Sleep is very important for the health of our body and mind. We all know that if we do not sleep every day, we can fall physically and mentally ill. But do you know that gold is also a hobby of some people! You must have often seen that people who … Read more