What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

The number of deaths due to diseases caused by dirty water is increasing day by day. There has been a continuous increase in the number of deaths, both in cities and villages, due to water used in homes and drinking water. India is not spared from this situation either. Most parts of the country are … Read more

Do you have pain in this part of your back? Then it could be a sign of a heart attack

Do you have pain in this part of your back? Then it could be a sign of a heart attack

Most people consider chest pain as a symptom of a heart attack, but that is not true. Before a heart attack, our body parts start giving off many types of signals. Know in which other parts of the body pain starts before a heart attack. Due to today’s changing lifestyle and poor eating habits, the … Read more

Bad news for those who eat bananas daily

Bad news for those who eat bananas daily

Banana is such a fruit that almost no one will like it. However, it is consumed as a snack during training. But if you eat too much of it, it can be harmful to the body. Let us know its side effects in detail. Ignoring which can be harmful to health. Side effects of eating … Read more

रात में पेट में उठ रहा जोर का दर्द, हल्के में न लें, हो सकते हैं 6 गंभीर रोग

रात में पेट में उठ रहा जोर का दर्द, हल्के में न लें, हो सकते हैं 6 गंभीर रोग

Stomach Pain: दिन में आराम और रात में पेट में दर्द की समस्या है तो तुरंत सावधान हो जाइए, क्योंकि ये 6 खतरनाक बीमारियों के लक्षण हो सकते हैं. वैसे तो पेट दर्द के कई कारण हो सकते हैं लेकिन अगर रोज-रोज रात में ऐसा हो रहा है तो फिर खतरे की घंटी हो सकती है. … Read more

पेट दर्द की छुट्टी और गैस की समस्या होगी दूर, घर में रखा ये मसाला है गुणों से भरपूर

पेट दर्द की छुट्टी और गैस की समस्या होगी दूर, घर में रखा ये मसाला है गुणों से भरपूर

Ajwain For Stomach : हमारे घरों में अजवाइन का इस्तेमाल पुराने समय से ही होता आ रहा है. मसाले के तौर पर इसका ज्यादातर उपयोग सब्जी, दाल, सूप या चाय बनाने में किया जाता है. अजवाइन स्वाद को बढ़ाने के साथ सेहत का साथी होता  है. पेट की समस्याओं के लिए यह गजब का नुस्खा माना … Read more

Do not ignore even minor abdominal pain, gas problem can cause heart attack

Do not ignore even minor abdominal pain, gas problem can cause heart attack

Nowadays the problem of stomach pain is quite common. There can be many reasons for this. But sometimes this normal stomach pain problem can become the cause of your heart attack. Often people ignore minor abdominal pain. Thinking that the food will not be digested properly, hence the gas is happening and due to that … Read more

Avoid eating these things on an empty stomach in the morning

Avoid eating these things on an empty stomach in the morning

Foods not to Eat on Empty Stomach: Whatever we eat, whether good or bad, from morning to night, has a direct effect on our stomach. Especially whenever we eat something here and there in an empty stomach, then we have to bear the brunt of it. Many types of gases are filled in the empty … Read more

Often troubles stomach pain, so before treatment, know its reason

Often troubles stomach pain, so before treatment, know its reason

Reason of Stomach Pain: Stomach pain is a common problem, but sometimes it can also be a sign of many more serious problems. Most cases of abdominal pain are mild and have many common causes, such as indigestion or muscle strain. If the right treatment is done only after the symptoms appear, then the serious … Read more