आजकल नींद में कार्डिएक अरेस्ट आने के बढ़ रहे हैं मामले, जानिए इस जानलेवा बीमारी से कैसे बचा जा

आजकल नींद में कार्डिएक अरेस्ट आने के बढ़ रहे हैं मामले, जानिए इस जानलेवा बीमारी से कैसे बचा जा

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: कार्डिएक अरेस्ट (cardiac arrest)यानी दिल का दौरा जानलेवा होता है लेकिन अगर नींद में ही कार्डिएक अरेस्ट हो तो जान जाने के खतरे और ज्यादा बढ़ जाते हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट कहते हैं कि हार्ट की बीमारी आनुवांशिक होने के साथ साथ डायबिटीज (diabetes)और मोटापे की वजह से भी तेजी से शिकार बनाती है. … Read more

cardiac arrests Young people are having more

cardiac arrests Young people are having more

Heart Attack: Cardiac arrest occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted. It can come anywhere, anytime. In the last two years, many famous celebrities died of cardiac arrest while exercising. Many youths have died of cardiac arrest. Recently a video surfaced in which the bride fell on the stage while garlanding the … Read more

Heart Attack Vs Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Experts Explain The Recent Surge In Cases, Deaths. All You Need to Know

Heart Attack Vs Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Experts Explain The Recent Surge In Cases, Deaths. All You Need to Know

New Delhi: In the past few days, there have been several incidents where a middle-aged person has suddenly collapsed and died. A 48-year-old man from Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh died after suddenly collapsing while dancing during a birthday party. In another incident, Yogesh Gupta, a resident of Jammu, collapsed on stage in the middle of … Read more

3 symptoms of cardiac arrest and know how to avoid it

3 symptoms of cardiac arrest and know how to avoid it

Cardiac Arrest Symptoms: Cardiac arrest is such a serious condition in which most people lose their lives. In this condition the heartbeat suddenly stops. Every year thousands of people die due to this disease all over the world. In cardiac arrest, the heart beats suddenly very fast. If treatment is received at the right time, … Read more

If cardiac arrest comes, life can be saved in just 5 minutes, know what you have to do

If cardiac arrest comes, life can be saved in just 5 minutes, know what you have to do

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: People sometimes think of heart attack and cardiac arrest as the same, but doctors say that there is a lot of difference between the two. Cardiac arrest and heart attack are two different things. Cases of sudden cardiac arrest are increasing in India, but the disturbing thing is that people are not … Read more