Eating food at the right time reduces the risk of diabetes, the study found its usefulness.

Eating food at the right time reduces the risk of diabetes, the study found its usefulness.

Diabetes and sleep: Diabetes is a lifestyle disease in which one must be very careful about their eating habits. WHO figures indicate that 422 million people worldwide have diabetes. Research has shown that if meal timings are taken care of, the risk of diabetes can be reduced and metabolic health can be strengthened. Eating at … Read more

How much sugar should you consume daily as per your age? 5 tips to reduce sweet intake

How much sugar should you consume daily as per your age? 5 tips to reduce sweet intake

Home Health How much sugar should you consume daily according to your age? 5 tips to reduce your consumption of sweets Sweets can be irresistible at times and are the first thing we tend to cut back on when following a healthy diet. Read on to find out what the right amount to consume is … Read more

When is the right time to eat sweets? Know what the study says

When is the right time to eat sweets? Know what the study says

Most people love to eat sweets, but do you know when is the right time to eat sweets? For your information, eating sweets at the wrong time is very harmful to health. Many people eat sweets as soon as they wake up in the morning, while many people eat sweets before sleeping at night. Let … Read more

The risk of diabetes increases not only because of eating sweets, but also because of this habit.

The risk of diabetes increases not only because of eating sweets, but also because of this habit.

Diabetes is becoming a common disease today. Most people think sugar is to blame. It is also true that eating too much sugar causes diabetes, but in a new study, scientists have found that using plastic bottles also poses a risk of diabetes. There are dangerous chemicals there that can cause dangerous illnesses. This study, … Read more

The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

The body only needs a limited amount of sugar.  If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

Sugar Consumption: The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this “slow poison” is deposited. Source link

एक दिन में कितनी क्वांटिटी में शक्कर खा सकते हैं आप? इससे ज्यादा शुगर कर सकती है बीमार

एक दिन में कितनी क्वांटिटी में शक्कर खा सकते हैं आप? इससे ज्यादा शुगर कर सकती है बीमार

Sugar Intake Per Day: चीनी अनहेल्दी फूड्स में आता है. इसे ज्यादा खाने से डायबिटीज, मोटापा, हैवी वेट जैसी गंभीर समस्याएं हो सकती हैं. कुल मिलाकर चीनी सेहत और फिटनेस दोनों का दुश्मन है. अक्सर लोग चीनी और मीठा खाने के नुकसान पर कई तरह की चर्चाएं भी करते हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स भी इसे कम खाने … Read more

डायबिटीज मरीज हर रोज खाएं यह मसाला, काबू में रहेगा ब्लड शुगर लेवल…

डायबिटीज मरीज हर रोज खाएं यह मसाला, काबू में रहेगा ब्लड शुगर लेवल…

डायबिटीज (Diabetes) बीमारी में शुगर लेवल को कंट्रोल रखने के लिए  सबसे पहले अपनी डाइट में सुधार करें. कई लोग अपने शुगर लेवल को कंट्रोल करने के लिए आयुर्वेदिक चीजों का सहारा लेते हैं. आज हम आपको कुछ आयुर्वेदिक उपाय बताएंगे जिसके जरिए डायबिटीज के मरीज अपने शुगर लेवल को कंट्रोल कर सकते हैं. डायबिटीज … Read more