Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

We can discover diseases caused by minerals, vitamin deficiencies and nutrition present in our body. For example, by looking at your hair we can tell if your hair will fall out or if your hair will turn gray quickly. If your eyes are swollen or puffy, have your vitamin K and B-12 levels checked. White … Read more

Deficiency of this vitamin causes frequent colds, adopt this method when body temperature rises.

Deficiency of this vitamin causes frequent colds, adopt this method when body temperature rises.

If you also feel colder than others, there may be a deficiency of an essential nutrient in your body. For your information, be aware that due to a vitamin deficiency, you may be constantly cold. If there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body, you might catch a cold. Vitamin B12 plays an … Read more

Due to a deficiency of vitamin B6, tingling begins in the hands and feet, include these elements in your diet.

Due to a deficiency of vitamin B6, tingling begins in the hands and feet, include these elements in your diet.

Due to vitamin B6 deficiency, many symptoms appear in the body. Such as lack of blood in the body, rashes, glossitis may occur. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, including increasing the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hemoglobin, performs many functions related to bodily functions. This is very important for hormonal health and boosting immunity. Due to excessive … Read more

There should be no deficiency of these vitamins in the body, many problems can arise.

There should be no deficiency of these vitamins in the body, many problems can arise.

According to the WHO, around 200 million people worldwide are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are very important micronutrients for the body, necessary for the proper functioning of cells and their growth. Vitamins play an important role in energy production, immune function, blood clotting, and maintenance of bones and tissues. The body obtains … Read more

Eye twitching is neither a good nor a bad omen, it can be due to a deficiency of this vitamin.

Eye twitching is neither a good nor a bad omen, it can be due to a deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin deficiency and eye tremors: People often associate eye twitching with receiving auspicious or inauspicious signs. People believe that twitching in one eye brings auspicious signs and twitching in the other eye brings inauspicious signs. While it is a health issue. According to health experts, eye twitching can have many causes. Vitamin deficiency can also … Read more

Feeling tired, weak and sad? Know which vitamin is deficient

Feeling tired, weak and sad? Know which vitamin is deficient

Vitamin deficiency: If someone does a lot of physical work, it is common to feel tired. But many people feel tired and weak all the time, even without work. Often, this fatigue is both physical and mental and the person also feels sad all the time. If you also notice these symptoms in your body, … Read more

If you also feel sleepy, you may be deficient in this vitamin.

If you also feel sleepy, you may be deficient in this vitamin.

If you constantly feel sleepy and tired, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is very important for our body as it strengthens our bones and maintains our energy. Apart from that, it also strengthens our immune system. Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Excessive sleepiness: If you feel tired and … Read more

क्या उम्र से पहले ही सफेद हो रहे हैं आपके बाल, तो हो सकती है इस विटामिन की कमी, इस तरह करें पूरी

क्या उम्र से पहले ही सफेद हो रहे हैं आपके बाल, तो हो सकती है इस विटामिन की कमी, इस तरह करें पूरी

Hair Whitening Problem: लंबे, घने, काले बाल भला कौन नहीं चाहता, लेकिन आजकल केवल बड़ी उम्र के लोग ही नहीं बल्कि बच्चों और जवानों के बाल भी असमय सफेद होने लगे हैं. आमतौर पर 40 साल के बाद बालों का सफेद होना शुरू होता है, लेकिन कुछ विटामिन, मिनरल्स और पोषक तत्वों की कमी के कारण … Read more