कमर के साइड की चर्बी कम करना है, तो रोज करें ये 2 योगासन, 15 दिनों में दिखने लगेगा फर्क

Yoga For Lower Body Weight Loss: कमर के बगल में चर्बी जमा होना एक आम समस्या है, जिससे बहुत से लोग परेशान रहते हैं. खासतौर पर महिलाओं में यह समस्या अधिक देखने को मिलती है. कमर के बगल में चर्बी जमा होने से साड़ी, फ्रॉक, क्रॉप टॉप जैसे कपड़े पहनना मुश्किल हो जाता है. ऐसे … Read more

If you want waist like Kareena Kapoor then make weight loss drink at home

Weight Loss Drink: Kareena Kapoor is a successful actress as well as a wonderful mother who maintains a perfect balance between her career and family. Amidst all this, Kareena Kapoor Fitness also takes full care of her fitness. Be it a house party or any other big event, Kareena Kapoor’s fashion sense overpowers other actresses … Read more

The waist gets answered while working on the laptop throughout the day, so relax in these ways

Back Pain Relief: At the time of lockdown, more than half of the companies have the option of work from home.While taking out the licence, he had asked his employees to work from home. However, some companies have made work from home forever. In such a situation, the physical activity of the employees who work … Read more

There is severe pain in the waist after waking up in the morning, know what are the reasons for this

Back Pain In Morning: In the changing lifestyle, people are facing many problems. These problems include back pain. Back pain is quite normal, but sometimes we feel a lot of pain in the morning. Having pain in the back as soon as we wake up can bother us a lot. There can be many reasons … Read more

Garba Plank: Try Garba Plank before Navratra, your waist will be fit for Dandiya Night

Garba Exercise: Aga, you also want to participate in the celebration of Durga Puja this time, but you are a little worried about your figure, so do not take tension now. Yes, today we are telling you about such a variation of plank, which you can make your waist slim and slim by adopting it … Read more

If you want to get rid of the pain of neck, waist and legs then do these yogasanas

Yogasan For Neck And Back: Since the beginning of the work from home culture, people are often complaining of pain in the waist, neck and legs due to the habit of doing all the work sitting at home for hours. By the way, this problem has also been seen often in people working for hours … Read more

A lot of fat is increasing below the waist, so do these 2 yogasanas daily, you will be perfectly fit

Yoga For Lower Body Weight Loss: Some people are troubled by the weight gain in the lower part of the body. Especially a lot of fat gets accumulated on the lower body parts of women. The fat on the hips and thighs comes most quickly and is the most difficult to reduce. In such a … Read more