सुबह उठकर पीते हैं गुनगुना पानी तो पहले जान लें क्या है सही, जानें

Warm Water: सुबह की शुरुआत गुनगुने पानी से करने पर शरीर फिट एंड फाइन रहता है. ज्यादातर फिटनेस फ्रीक और सेलिब्रिटीज ने भी इस बात को मानी है कि सुबह उठने के बाद वे गुनगुना पानी जरूर पीते (Warm Water Benefits) हैं. हालांकि, कुछ लोग इसे गलत भी मानते हैं, क्योंकि सुबह उठते ही गुनगुना पानी … Read more

Health Tips: Is intake of salt & warm water combination good for health?

  Health Tips: We are all aware that sipping warm salt water relieves sore throats caused by colds and allergies. But there’s more to it. We all need a small amount of sodium or salt to maintain proper fluid function and electrolyte levels in our bodies. So, mixing salt in water and drinking it promotes … Read more

Drinking a glass of warm water as soon as you wake up in the morning will improve digestion, if you don’t believe then try it

Benefits of drinking garam pani: Everyone knows that drinking water is very beneficial for the body. But if you wake up in the morning and do it with hot water, then it will give amazing benefits to your body, especially in winters it is very good to drink hot water. Some people get craving for … Read more

Knowing these 10 benefits, you will get addicted to drinking and using hot water.

Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water: Be it used for drinking hot water or for any of your work, its benefits are immense. If you have to keep your body healthy and keep the in and out clean, then make a habit of drinking or using hot water. Drinking hot water keeps the body healthy. It … Read more