कितने दिन तक खा सकते हैं कटा हुआ तरबूज? कभी ना करें ये गलती

कितने दिन तक खा सकते हैं कटा हुआ तरबूज? कभी ना करें ये गलती

गर्मियों का मौसम आते ही बाजार में तरबूज की बिक्री शुरू हो जाती है. तरबूज का इंतजार लोगों को पूरे साल रहता है. गर्मियों में लोग सबसे ज्यादा रसदार मीठा फल तरबूज खाते हैं. तरबूज एक ऐसा फल है, जो हर किसी को बेहद पसंद होता है. इसमें मौजूद कई पोषक तत्व हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य … Read more

To stay healthy, include these 5 seeds in the diet, the body will become strong

To stay healthy, include these 5 seeds in the diet, the body will become strong

Seeds Benefits: Nowadays it is a trend to eat seeds along with dryfruits. Eating seeds is more beneficial than it seems. Eating seeds helps in relieving stress. Heart, blood pressure and diabetes patients are advised to eat seeds. If there is a problem of hair fall, then eating seeds makes the hair healthy. That is, … Read more

Not only melons, melon seeds are also very beneficial

Not only melons, melon seeds are also very beneficial

Muskmelon Seeds Benefits: You must have heard about the benefits of seeds. The way pumpkin, flaxseed and watermelon seeds are beneficial, in the same way melon seeds are also very beneficial. Often you must have seen melon seeds in sweets. Melons come in everyone’s homes in summer. Melon is very tasty to eat, but people … Read more

Use watermelon in these 3 ways, you will get only benefits

Use watermelon in these 3 ways, you will get only benefits

Watermelon Benefits: Eating watermelon in summer gives many benefits to the body. By eating watermelon, the lack of water in the body is removed. Watermelon also helps a lot in weight loss. Watermelon is very high in water which keeps the body hydrated. Watermelon also contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are also beneficial for … Read more