अगर काली पड़ रही है गर्दन तो समझ लीजिए संकट से जूझ रहा यह अंग, जानें कैसे कर सकते हैं बचाव

अगर काली पड़ रही है गर्दन तो समझ लीजिए संकट से जूझ रहा यह अंग, जानें कैसे कर सकते हैं बचाव

भागदोड़ भरी जिंदगी में खुद के लिए टाइम निकालना काफी मुश्किल हो गया है. ऐसे में हम शरीर और सेहत दोनों का ख्याल नहीं रख पाते हैं जिससे कई दिक्कत होने लगती है. इसी के चलते लोगों की गर्दन काली पड़ने लगती है. इसका एक कारण साफ सफाई नहीं रखना हो सकता है. लेकिन क्या … Read more

Symptoms of diabetes in women are different from men in this way, recognize them

Symptoms of diabetes in women are different from men in this way, recognize them

Diabetes Treatment: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If there is a bad lifestyle then this disease comes first. as well as heart Disease and hypertension also start to happen at home. Diabetes can happen to anyone, woman, man, child, elderly, youth. There is just a need to recognize its symptoms and get it treated … Read more

Eating frequently or not sleeping properly can be the cause of diabetes

Eating frequently or not sleeping properly can be the cause of diabetes

Healthy Habits: Diabetes is a disease that affects every second third person today. One of the main reasons for this is our diet and deteriorating lifestyle. Diabetes is now making people of all ages their victims, from children to elders. Let us tell you that there are mainly two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes and … Read more

4 Effective Ways To Manage Low Blood Glucose Levels

4 Effective Ways To Manage Low Blood Glucose Levels

Effective Ways to Control Low Blood Glucose Level: Diabetes contributes greatly to India’s health burden. According to a recent study conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)India is the second largest house in the world Adult diabetic population And every sixth person with diabetes in the world is an Indian. The number of diabetic … Read more

Diabetes Symptoms: Changing color of the skin, may be a symptom of diabetes

Diabetes Symptoms: Changing color of the skin, may be a symptom of diabetes

Skin Color Change: Due to aging and poor lifestyle, people are falling prey to diabetes at an early age. Although many times people do not pay attention to the symptoms of diabetes, which can be very harmful for health. Diabetes affects your overall health, increasing blood sugar can lead to diseases like heart, kidney and … Read more