अगर रात का खाना पचाने में हो रही है परेशानी तो करें ये चार आसान, मिल जाएगा आराम

<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Night Yoga Routine : </strong>रात में भारी या तला हुआ खाना खाने से पाचन में समस्या हो जाती है. जब सूरज डूब जाता है, हमारा शरीर आराम मोड में चला जाता है. इस वजह से रात को खाया गया भोजन धीरे-धीरे पचता है.पेट में भारीपन, गैस बनना या अपच की समस्या रात में … Read more

Yogasana for cervical, you will get instant relief in pain

Fastest Way To Cure Cervical Pain: Nowadays the problem of neck pain has increased due to working hours on laptops and computers. People’s screen time has increased a lot, whether it is mobile, laptop or computer and TV, they keep their eyes open for hours. In such a situation, people of all age groups are … Read more

After knee replacement, keep these things in mind before practicing yoga again

Returning To Yoga After Knee Replacement: Yoga is the best way to overcome any kind of problem in the body. Through this you not only stay healthy externally but it also helps to keep you fit and active internally. Yoga also helps in making your muscles and joints flexible. You just have to take care … Read more

Children have to increase their confidence, then adopt this yogasana, you will get amazing benefits

Kids yoga : If your child has any problem related to Vocal Chords. He stammers on talk. His self-confidence is weak. In such a situation, parents should teach their child Yoga and Asanas (Yoga For Kids). This can end many of his problems. In this condition, the practice of conch shell can prove to be … Read more

The body will get strength after corona, definitely do this yogasana

Yoga Helpful During Covid Recovery: Yoga helps a lot in keeping the body healthy. When gyms were closed during the Corona period, people resorted to yoga to maintain fitness. Doing yoga not only keeps the body healthy, but yoga also makes you mentally strong. If you are recovering from Kovid-19 infection, then in this situation … Read more

If you want to start yoga then these are the 5 easiest and effective yogasanas

International Yoga Day 2022: If you are starting yoga practice for the first time, then there are many yogasanas that you can easily practice by learning them. Apart from yoga class, these yogasanas can also be done at home. This will improve the flexibility. It will also help in relieving stress. downward breathing Adho … Read more

International Yoga Day 2022: Follow these yoga poses to wake up in the morning, laziness will run away

International Yoga Day 2022: Follow these yogasanas to wake up in the morning, laziness will run away. Source link