Why early intervention in youth mental health is important, according to expert | Watch News Videos Online

Why early intervention in youth mental health is important, according to expert | Watch News Videos Online

Canada Early intervention in cases of substance use and mental health problems could prevent children and youth from having more severe levels of addiction or substance use, said Sarah Dow-Fleisner, an associate professor in the School of Social Work at the University of British Columbia. .

Sneezing, dancing, driving a bus and sitting, how is ‘heart attack’ making youth its victims?

Sneezing, dancing, driving a bus and sitting, how is ‘heart attack’ making youth its victims?

Case-1: Meerut incident. Date 04 December. Three friends were going somewhere at night. One sneezed and a 20-22 year old boy fell down. He died as soon as he fell. He was immediately taken to the doctor, but could not be saved. Cause of death- Heart attack. Case-2: Bareilly incident. Date 04 December. Prayer was … Read more

Attention Ear phones can affect the hearing ability of 100 crore youth in the world

Attention  Ear phones can affect the hearing ability of 100 crore youth in the world

Ear Problem: Just as eyes are necessary to see and understand nature. In the same way whatever is going on around. Ears are also an important part of the body to hear it. Generally people say that where the eyes do not work, the ears work there. But today’s life style has affected the eyes. … Read more

Earlier heart attack used to come to old people, now cases are increasing in youth, why?

Earlier heart attack used to come to old people, now cases are increasing in youth, why?

Heart Attack In Youngsters: Nowadays, the cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly among the youth. Earlier, only older people used to get heart attacks more. The risk of heart diseases used to start after the age of 45 to 50 years, but if we look at the data of the last 10 years, the … Read more

Suicide is the fourth reason for the death of 15 to 19 year old youth, know why people commit suicide

Suicide is the fourth reason for the death of 15 to 19 year old youth, know why people commit suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day 2022: People take the step of committing suicide when they are depressed, helpless and frustrated with life. According to media reports, about 70 lakh commit suicide every year. Not only this, many times more people try to commit suicide every year. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the fourth … Read more

Kidney problem is increasing in youth, these are daily habits

Kidney problem is increasing in youth, these are daily habits

How to maintain kidney health: Kidney disease is one such problem which is spreading very fast in today’s time. It needs to be noted that this disease is spreading at a faster rate than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. The special thing is that youngsters are increasingly falling prey to this … Read more

Know why Sudden Heart Attack is increasing in youth, how it can be stopped

Know why Sudden Heart Attack is increasing in youth, how it can be stopped

What is Sudden Heart Attack? The cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly and are especially affecting the youth. The surprising thing is that the youth who are in the grip of this deadly disease are healthy and fit. After all, for what reasons Sudden Heart Attack comes and how it can be prevented, definitely … Read more

Most of the youth do not know these rules related to food, do you know?

Most of the youth do not know these rules related to food, do you know?

Right way of eating: Not only humans but animals also eat food. But if someone tells you that in today’s time, animals are smarter than humans in terms of food! You will be surprised to hear this and maybe even feel bad that how educated modern man can be compared with animals! But the truth … Read more