The Diabetes Glycemic Index and Recommended Fruits

As we all know, diabetes is a disease characterized by inadequate production of insulin hormone resulting in the body’s inability to turn starch, essential nutrients, and sugar into useful form of energy. The best treatment recommended for diabetic individuals by far, is for them to follow a healthy and balanced diet which should have all the nutrients needed but nothing in excess. People with diabetes are recommended to base their diet plans on the diabetes glycemic index. This helps them to avoid consuming foods with very high amount of calories which is bad for them.

If you have diabetes, physicians will advise you to include fruits in your diet for added nutrients. But you should know that not all fruits are good for people who have diabetes and we can verify this by checking the diabetes glycemic index.

Fruits provide various benefits which include:

• Essential nutrients for proper growth and body functioning

• Strengthens the immune system, thus protecting from various illnesses

• Helps improve digestion and metabolic process

• Helps the brain function properly and safeguard it from diseases related to it

• Keeps the body from acquiring minor health disorders

These wonderful attributes already prove how beneficial fruits are and why they are recommended to maintain a healthy body. But based on the diabetes glycemic index, there are several fruits which have very high calories and these may be bad for people suffering from diabetes. Fruits which are highly recommended for people with diabetes include the following:

• Strawberries

• Watermelon

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• Papaya

• Rose apple

• Blueberries

• Apricots

• Muskmelon

• Plums

• Apple

• Grapefruit

• Pomegranates

• Kiwifruit

• Olives

• Cherries

• Pears

• Lime

• Avocado

These fruits, based on diabetes glycemic index both have low calories or rich in fiber, and are good for people with diabetes. Fruits that should strictly be avoided include custard apple, banana, peach, grapes and mango. This fruits should be avoided because the sugar and the diabetes glycemic index of these fruits are quite high. Fruits juices which are processed should be avoided as well. People with diabetes should opt for fresh fruit juices instead. Diabetic or non-diabetic, fruits are indeed good for everyone.

The only thing that you should give high consideration to is the quantity of the fruit you are consuming as some of them have high sugar and fat content based on the diabetes glycemic index, and these are not good for your body. Even the fruits that are recommended for diabetic patients should be consumed in moderation, you should remember that everything in excess is bad for your current medical condition and you should not take any risk.

Source by Jonathan T Edwards

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