The ‘Michael Jackson’ Diet

OK, not exactly an official ‘Michael Jackson’ diet, but his lifestyle is worth knowing about if you’re interested in losing weight. There are two basic principles to follow if you want to get the lean, petite, dancing machine physique that was (and still is) the King of Pop.

1. Eat Healthy – In Michael Jackson’s case, this meant being a vegetarian. This doesn’t mean you have to completely cut out all animal products (that’s being vegan). But Michael Jackson’s diet included vegetarianism. What does this mean for weight loss?

Well, a vegetarian diet is usually high in fiber and water, since much of your protein comes from a combination of nuts, beans and grains to provide low-fat nutrition. which helps in weight loss

* Makes you feel full for longer so you eat less,

* Stabilizing your blood-sugar levels for more sustained energy

* Removing toxins from the body that can hinder weight loss,

* And even a certain amount of fat is metabolized through the system, so it never enters the ‘weight-gain equation’.

2. Exercise as much as possible everyday. This is correct! Michael Jackson practiced for five hours or so every day for concerts and performances until recently, according to his personal trainer. He was in great physical shape. So a ‘Michael Jackson diet’ is not only about eating healthy but also about burning off large amounts of energy.

For you, it may not be possible to fit in 5 hours of dance rehearsal every day of the work week. But think about this: How much exercise could you fit in if you actually took every possible opportunity to use your body energetically?

* Don’t just take the stairs – run as much as you can. (Perhaps do a flight twice over the top just for fun.)

* Cycle to work even when it rains. (More exercise is available with a change of clothes.)

*Dance to your iPod for five minutes during your coffee break.

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you get the idea. Exercise as much as possible.

Two basic principles of healthy eating, exercise are often the cornerstones of an energetic, slim physique. That’s certainly what we remember about Michael Jackson. So even if the only way you can remember him is to shed a few pounds by adopting the ‘Michael Jackson diet’ and look good on the dance-floor, it’s probably what will make him happiest.

Source by Tiggy Max

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