The secret to hair loss prevention is to educate yourself and stop hair loss.

The secret to hair loss prevention is to educate yourself and prevent hair loss. Stop hair fall now, this will keep hair on your head for a long time.

Hair is made of a protein called keratin, and grows from a hair root, which is contained in a gland in the skin called a follicle. Most people lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, which are replaced as part of the normal hair growth cycle. When you stop replacing them as you lose hair, you get into a cycle of hair loss, thinning, baldness that is preventable; You will notice this when your hair starts thinning. Talk to your doctor before starting a hair loss prevention regimen to stop hair loss. Preventing hair fall is a lifelong routine. How your hair is treated determines whether you’ll keep it for life, and since society values ​​vigorous appearance, preventing hair loss is important to your social standing and emotional well-being. Preventing hair loss, or hair growth, can be an important lifelong goal. While thinning hair is generally attributed to aging, there are many things you can do to prevent hair loss, with entire industries from commercial pharmaceuticals to naturopathic remedies coming out to stop hair loss. have come

While the primary cause of hair loss is hormonal, there are a number of things that have to be done to prevent hair loss; And it’s easier to prevent hair loss than to try to regrow hair. If you are serious about trying to stop hair loss, read on. Once your hair follicles go dormant, trying to regrow hair is nearly impossible, and extreme measures such as follicle transplants may be necessary, which move follicles from the back of your neck to your scalp. Let’s go (That’s the secret to Hair Club For Men.)

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Hair loss prevention treatment options:

Advice: This remedy, a mixture of minerals and vitamins and green tea extract, is claimed to be a natural remedy for hair loss for men or women. It has not gone through scientific double blind testing.

Rogaine: Rogaine works by stimulating the hair follicles, and is only for male pattern hair loss. This is an anti hair loss lotion that can have side effects on the body, but it is proven to work.

Revivogen: Another natural remedy for hair loss, Revivogen is suitable for men and women. Allegedly it will stop hair loss and rejuvenate the growth of new hair; Its makers will not submit it for FDA testing.

Propecia: Propecia works by blocking the buildup of DHT, a hormonal byproduct that causes hair loss. It should not be handled by pregnant women.

First of all, control your stress and balance your diet. Stress is one of the causes of hair loss, you can prevent hair loss by reducing stress and learning to get more rest. Second, make sure you take good care of your scalp. Avoid washing your hair too often and do not use metal combs. Don’t dig your nails into your head, and wear a hat when you’re outside – you can still burn your head with the sun, which dries out and inactivates the follicles. Don’t over medicate your scalp – Dandruff is your scalp’s way of removing dead skin cells and a lot of dandruff shampoos clog your pores because you are not exfoliating your skin at the rate you should than your body wants. Look for things you eat that can cause hormone spikes, as well as medication. Most male pattern hair loss is described as testosterone induced hair loss – your body is producing slightly more testosterone than estrogen and you lose hair accordingly. Also pay attention to toxins, such as tobacco smoke, or eating a diet high in trans fatty acids, both of which can cause hair loss. Exercise and try to be generally healthy – Your hair loss is a sign of the health of your body, which is why it is valued in social circles.

Finally, check your medicine cabinet. Many drugs cause secondary and tertiary side effects that either increase testosterone production (from corticosteroids and steroids) or block estrogen production, such as high blood pressure drugs and thyroid drugs.

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Hair loss prevention options:

If you are serious about preventing hair fall, make sure that your diet is rich in the following nutrients.

vitamin C: Vegetables and fruits, especially black currants, acerola cherries, citrus fruits, avocados, and artichokes.

Vitamin A: Found in eggs and dairy foods, kidney, liver and cod liver oil.

vitamin D: Oily fish like mackerel, eggs and dairy foods, sunlight.

Vitamin B: Eggs and milk, whole grains, brown rice, pork and fish.

Vitamin E: Sunflower oil, rapeseed, peanuts, almonds, avocados and spinach, asparagus and sunflower seeds.

Iodine: Iodized salt and seafood.

Iron: Liver and kidneys, spinach, beans, peas and dried fruits.

Calcium: Dairy foods, green leafy vegetables like broccoli, peanuts, sunflower seeds and even canned fish bones.

Stop Hair Fall Lifestyle Changes:

Women (and men) should avoid hairstyles that are tightly braided, or constricted near the scalp – the constant tension can wring out your hair’s roots and damage the follicles. Likewise, avoid drying and treating hair with tight hair rollers and high temperatures.
When drying your hair after shampooing, use a cool, not hot, hair dryer, or let your hair air dry. When scrubbing your scalp, don’t dig into it with your fingernails as this can damage it – just use the pads of your fingers. Protect your hair from the sun with a hat.
Small changes to your hair care routine can slow or stop hair loss, and give you healthy hair for decades to come.

Source by Daryl Plaza

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