This is the best time to eat for weight loss

Right Time To Eat Food: Weight gain has become a serious problem in today’s time. Sitting at one place in the office, not walking much, eating junk food. These are all the reasons due to which the weight increases. If you also want to reduce your increased weight, then you can reduce your weight with the help of some small tips. Like what time should be eaten, what diet should be kept. Losing weight does not mean at all that you stop eating. Rather, if you want to lose weight, then it is very important to eat food but at the right time. So today we will tell you at what time you should have your breakfast, lunch and dinner to lose weight.


Breakfast is the most important and healthy meal of the day. So in your weight loss journey, you should take protein rich breakfast between 6 am to 10 am. It helps in reducing the fat in the body which makes you feel less hungry throughout the day. According to data from a health website, about 80 percent of people who ate their breakfast between 6 and 10 in the morning were able to lose 15 kg more weight than others.

mid morning snack

Afternoon snack is not absolutely necessary, it all depends whether you are hungry or not. Our body takes at least 4 hours to digest the food we eat, so it is recommended that you take mid morning snacks 2 to 4 hours after breakfast.


You should try to have lunch before 3 pm at all costs. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers examined 300 dieters trying to lose weight and found that those who ate lunch before 3 p.m. were able to lose more kilos. were successful.

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evening snacks

Evening snacks are necessary like breakfast in the morning. There should not be a long gap after eating Jaisal, so to fill the gap between lunch and dinner, definitely take some snacks with tea in the evening. If you want, between 5 and 6 in the evening, you can take biscuits or gram or makhana with tea.


It is also advisable to have a light dinner at night and that too before 7 pm. Very light food should be taken at night which gets digested easily. If you want, you can eat soup by making khichdi or some oats at night. Just try that you have your dinner before 7 pm.

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