Top 3 TRX Exercises for Biceps

TRX Exercises for Biceps – Do They Work?

The TRX Trainer is a great tool. I use it with a lot of my clients and often mix it into my workouts. It allows you to work your entire body in a unique way. The instability of the straps makes for a great core workout and is great for shoulder stability too! Now all of these things are great for overall health and a balanced body, but what if you are just focused on getting some great biceps today? Well look no further! The TRX offers some exercises that will stress your biceps like no other equipment can. Try these 3 TRX exercises for your biceps and you’ll be sporting some nice guns in no time!

1. TRX Bicep Curl

Classic bicep curl with added TRX twist. The TRX Bicep Curl isolates the biceps more than any other exercise on the TRX. The suspension training aspect maintains tension on your biceps throughout the lift which leads to a big time pump and a serious burn.

How to perform:

1. Start with a strong plank with your arms bent just over 90 degrees. Think hands by the temples. Elbows should be at shoulder height. The palms should be behind and down.

2. Slowly extend at the elbows, keeping the elbows up. Don’t let your elbows drop below your shoulders. You’ll get better muscle contractions that way. Finish fully extended, still in a strong plank.

3. Finish the lift by bending at the elbows and returning to the starting position. Again keeping the elbows at shoulder height. Focus on squeezing and flexing the biceps throughout the lift.

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2. TRX Bicep Clutch

The TRX bicep clutch is a great option for regular curls. This is one of the unique TRX exercises that is difficult to replicate on any other equipment. This one-two punch of bicep curls is a great way to hit different areas of the bicep.

How to perform:

1. Start in a sturdy plank with your hands on top of each other. Place your hands at shoulder height (very important) with elbows at upper chest level. Don’t let your elbows drop down or else it starts to turn into a row.

2. Extend at the elbows while maintaining your plank. Finish with palms facing each other.

3. With elbows at shoulder height, begin to bend elbows, pulling hands back to chest. Remember to alternate hands.

3. TRX Low Row

The TRX low row is primarily a back exercise, but it’s also a great TRX exercise for the biceps. It’s a quality, multi-joint exercise that allows you to work multiple muscle groups, and can generally lift a heavier weight than one of the isolation exercises above. You can also play with your hand position to work the muscles differently.

How to perform:

1. Start in a solid plank (seeing a pattern here??) with elbows under shoulders, bent 90 degrees. Pulling your elbows too far back will cause unnecessary movement in your shoulders.

2. Extend your arms, allowing your body to slowly shift backward. As you extend, keep your shoulders away from your ears. You want to maintain good posture.

3. Begin to bend your arms to return to the starting position. Think pulling your elbows back, don’t pull your hands into your chest so much. This will help you keep your shoulders down.

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Really give your arms a unique workout by combining these three TRX exercises for your biceps. These biceps exercises are great for tearing down muscle fibers. They’ll get your arms burning, your core working and your body sweating!

Source by Ryan M York

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