Top ten weight loss tips revealed

The top ten weight loss tips discussed here are the basics, which form the core of any successful weight loss routine. Of course such information can be found all over the internet. Most sources tell you what you need to do to lose weight (and virtually guarantee results), but they don’t tell you exactly why these tips will accelerate weight loss and why.

I will not include any specific tips for losing weight, such as recommendations about whether or not to eat certain foods or do specific exercises for tangible results. My main objective is to list only the basic and essential tips for weight loss success and try to explain them in detail and uncover the truth about some diet and fitness myths.

1. Stay away from fat. Completely eliminating fat or fatty acids from your diet – would that be the solution? The answer to this question is complex. In contrast to this statement, it is sufficient to mention that the fat portion of the daily caloric intake is recommended to be 20 – 30%. The key thing here is to understand that there are two major types of fat: saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fat. They can also be divided into “bad” and “good” fats.

Studies have shown that saturated fat can be referred to as “bad” fat and unsaturated as “good” fat. The first type contains elements with health risks and the human body will store them only as a reserve energy source (as excess body fat). The second type has many health benefits such as lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) levels, taking care of our skin, providing fat-soluble vitamins and healthy fatty acids like omega-3 that help our Play an important role in life. Heart. Hence the presence of healthy fats in your diet is very important but you have to keep them within the recommended daily limit of 20 – 30% otherwise consuming in excess will only contribute to your overall caloric intake which means weight gain.

2. Keep carbohydrates in balanced quantity. You should keep this in mind when you are trying to lose some weight. However, an extremely low carbohydrate diet is not the solution. If metabolized carbs are not burned as energy in time, they will be stored as fat in your body. However, they are an invaluable source of energy and also have appetite suppressing properties. If you reduce these too much, you will lose the strength and energy to exercise. The solution then is to keep carbs in moderation and make better food choices containing good and pure fiber complex carbohydrates like oat products, brown rice and whole grain breads.

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3. Eat Protein – Does a high protein diet offer us the solution? Low-fat protein foods are part of every healthy diet. They are very low in calories and the body of those who train with protein needs protein to build more muscle tissue. As far as whether they are good, the general recommendation is to consume 10-20% of the daily nutrient intake from protein. These numbers will add up if you are on a massive gain routine.

Keep in mind that protein does not have appetite-suppressing properties, which means that you will be less hungry after your last protein meal, and if you eat a large amount of a protein meal, you may lose more calories than your overall calorie intake and calories. Anything above will contribute. Will keep burning throughout the day, weight will increase.

One of the most popular ideas in the world of weight loss is the low-carb, high-protein diet. It is a surefire way to burn calories and shed excess weight. However, this approach is not so good for long-term weight loss, because when on an eating plan that is low in carbohydrates and calories, our body is forced to use up existing carbohydrates located in the liver and muscles. Maintaining such a diet will result in weight loss primarily from water stored in the body rather than fat, and it also puts pressure on internal organs.

4. Eat more often. To increase your metabolism, allow yourself more frequent and smaller meals, instead of the traditional three meals a day. Large portions of food will slow down your metabolism resulting in a decrease in calorie burning and expendable calories will be stored in your body as fat. When you eat more often your metabolism stays at a higher rate for longer, in other words you keep the oven working continuously to burn calories.

5. Eat slowly. Every one of us knows that eating fast and gaining weight go hand in hand and most of the time it results in overeating. It takes about 10 minutes for our stomach to send a signal to our brain that the food we have eaten is enough to satisfy hunger. Also note that it is not advisable to eat while doing something else, for example eating chips or nuts while watching TV, because in this way we will not realize how much food we have eaten until it is too late.

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6. Calorie counting. If you are serious about weight loss then first of all you will aim for a healthy weight which you want to achieve then you will get recommended calorie intake Start making gradual changes in your everyday life as you work towards that weight and target intake. To understand how many calories you consume in a day, you need to have a basic understanding of the calorie content of the foods you eat and always refer to the nutrient table on food labels.

After defining the daily nutrient intake you should know that anything more than this will result in weight gain. But don’t worry, the solution is simple – increase the amount of exercise and you’ll burn more calories.

7. Exercise – The best way to burn body fat. The process of burning excess fat stored in our body as a source of energy is the only way to achieve healthy weight loss. Exercise will also increase strength, stamina and general health. It can uplift our mood and help with concentration. Regular exercise will prevent many diseases and many heart related problems will end. It will also have an anti aging effect and can increase our self-esteem.

8. Aerobic vs Anaerobic Exercise. Aerobic or cardio exercises are performed at moderate intensity levels for long periods of time. They help a lot in the process of burning fat and increasing the level of stamina.

Anaerobic exercises on the other hand are exercises to improve strength and build muscle. For example in weight lifting this means performing an exercise with a very high weight and very few repetitions, some bodybuilders even reaching a state of only one repetition with the maximum weight that could possibly be lifted.

Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise expend calories, the question is which is better, and the answer is get both. You’ll only need cardio if your goal is simply to lose weight, but if you want to improve your strength as well, or if you’re burning fat to reveal your muscles, you’ll need to build them up first.

9. Say goodbye to alcohol or forget about showing off your abs. Protein and carbohydrate contain 4 calories per gram while fat contains 9 calories, on the other hand alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Alcohol is also known to increase appetite which means you are going to eat larger amounts. It also contains so-called “empty calories” that contribute to calorie consumption but contain no beneficial nutrients. Also in most cases the calories obtained from alcoholic beverages are the first to be metabolized by our body, leaving carbohydrates behind, so they will not be used as the first energy source, respectively as excess body fat. will be stored.

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10. Weight Loss Supplements. These are known as weight loss alternatives and they can really help but again things are not that simple here. At first many people think that slimming pills will make them lose weight without doing anything else. If you think that you do not like to sit in front of the TV or computer, you eat chips and chocolate waffles all the time, and even taking weight loss pills will make you lose weight – then you are on the wrong track. If you think that the more pills you take in a day, the more weight you will lose – you are also wrong.

Weight loss supplements are always recommended as a part of your diet and fitness routine, because supplements are meant to be additions and that’s exactly what they are – to fill in the gaps in your eating plan and make your diet more tolerable. An addition to make. And I’ll just mention (because it’s no secret to anyone) that there are many fake or health-threatening supplements with unwanted harmful ingredients available. If you want to use diet pills you need to find safe pills that actually work. This means doing extensive research on their ingredients, company reputation and endorsement, clinical studies and customer feedback.

The most important of all weight loss tips for success is our inner motivation. It will give us the willpower to start with healthy eating and regular exercise, the motivation to guide us to continually achieve and improve our results over time and it will help us not to give up when results are not visible as quickly Have been We want them. Ultimately it is only you who has the responsibility to control the outcome of your actions or inactions.

Source by Diyan Dimitrov

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