Treatment for bald men – there are many options

Thanks to the advancements in modern science, baldness is not something that men have to deal with these days. There are many different treatments used to combat the different types of male hair loss. The most common cause of baldness is male pattern baldness. This causes men’s hair to recede back and forth until there is no hair left on the top of their head. The good news is that there are many different treatments available for baldness, from medications and topical creams to procedures.

The most popular cream or foam available for male pattern baldness is Rogaine. This product, like all other treatments for male pattern baldness, is formulated to block DHT and androgens, which cause your hair to fall out. It also has other properties like helping hair grow faster, which can help you see results faster. There are many different forms of Finasteride when it comes to pills, one of which is Propecia. This drug was first designed to help with the prostate, as DHT can also damage the prostate. It comes in many different pills with different names. This product also helps inhibit DHT like other treatments. There are also sprays like Trichomin Therapy Spray, which works in a similar way to Rogaine but will also help your hair look healthier. The good thing about this product is that it is safe enough to be used alongside other treatments. There are also shampoos like Nizoral available to help with your male pattern baldness. There is even a new product called a laser comb. It helps in making your hair thicker and using it daily for just five to fifteen minutes can help with pattern hair loss.

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There are also procedures that you can opt for to help you regain your hair. There are non-surgical options such as laser therapy. This exposes your scalp to a certain light for 30 minutes at a time. It has been shown to help men restore hair and even grow new hair. To get the best results from this procedure, it should be started when hair loss is in its initial stages. There are even surgical procedures that involve scalp reduction, hair transplants, and even scalp extenders. Any of these procedures can be done on their own or you can combine these treatments depending on the severity of your hair loss and the aggressiveness you choose to fight the problem. If you are deciding to go under the knife your doctor can discuss the best options for you.

No matter which treatment you choose to go with, you must make sure that you have a good knowledge about the product. Make sure it is formulated to treat your specific type of hair loss. Read reviews to see if it’s a good product. Make sure you have looked at all the side effects and any contraindications of the product. By the time you are informed, you will be on your way to getting back the full head of hair you once had.

Source by John Farikani

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