Ways to Lose Weight Fast – Here Are Three You Can Get Started With Today!

Looking good and feeling healthy is definitely a challenge these days. With our hectic lifestyles, hectic work schedules and poor diets, it is almost impossible to do this. That being said though, if you really want to get in shape and look good, you can do that. Since time is always a factor in deciding which workout to follow, here are three fast ways to lose weight that you can start implementing right away.

1) Walk There are many misconceptions about walking and its ability to help with weight loss. Walking is actually a great way to lose weight. Actually walking at a decent pace, but not running, will help you burn fat long after you’ve walked. For maximum weight loss, it is better to do regular brisk walking and sprint once a week. This type of routine will usually work better for weight loss than regular running at a faster pace. It’s also easier on your joints.

2) Resistance TrainingWhen people think of losing weight, they usually think of treadmill walking, jogging or any other type of aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise or cardio has its place in a weight loss plan, but resistance training is far more important in my opinion. The more lean mass you have, the more calories you burn each day. If you gain muscle and eat the same amount of calories, you’ll burn more calories each day from increased muscle mass. Resistance training done properly causes your body to burn calories to help rebuild muscles and help them grow. If you’re trying to lose weight and aren’t doing any resistance training, you’re really selling yourself short. Whether it’s in the gym with weights, at home with weights, or body weight training, you’ll definitely lose more weight than doing cardio alone.

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3) fasting weight loss– Fasting for weight loss is the best way to lose weight in my opinion. It’s easy, doesn’t cost you anything, and will work better than most you try. There are so many myths about fasting that you really need to watch who you listen to. I’ve done this for about a year now and have had great success with it. This is something I will be using for the rest of my life and wish I had found out about sooner. I do a form of fasting called intermittent fasting which is incredibly easy to follow and I still get to eat everyday. I never count calories, never have to try different diets, and never worry if I go to a party and indulge too much on the weekend.

So here you have 3 quick ways to lose weight that will work very well if you try them consistently. If you combine all three for a full month, you will definitely see better results than anything else that I know of. Try these and you’ll be well on your way to getting the body you want. of the three, weight loss fasting has given me the best results, especially when I reduce my carbohydrate intake at mealtimes.

Source by Kelly U

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