Weight Loss Tips – Can a Low Calorie Diet Actually Be a Fun Way to Burn Belly Fat?

One of the best weight loss solutions to reduce belly fat is a low-calorie diet. I know it sounds obvious, and to be honest it’s not that fun, but it works fast and the main advantage of a low calorie diet is that you don’t need to change the foods you eat, just eat less of it. Doesn’t it sound too bad now to think about it that way?

Weight Loss Solution #1: don’t starve yourself

You don’t need to starve yourself on a low-calorie diet. Although such a process requires that you cut back on the calories you eat, you should only cut back slightly. Cutting calories to the extent of starving yourself will not work as the body has a mechanism to store fat for survival.

You also don’t need to buy a calorie counter or go crazy weighing your food. You know how much you eat. Eat less. It’s that simple. What will usually happen is, as you get used to the lower portion, you will probably feel good at the level you are used to. You’ll find that this is more than enough to do normally, and you’ll get used to the lower parts very quickly mentally, just as you’ve probably adapted progressively to the larger parts without noticing at first.

Weight Loss Solution #2: water everywhere

Of course, you can take it a step further with one easy adjustment to get faster results: Replace colas and juices with water. Since 2005, did you know what is the #1 source of calories in America? The fructose/glucose found in colas, sugary juices, and so-called “energy drinks”! It is absolutely amazing to you that if you replace even half of these drinks with water, you will lose belly fat without any other effort! And study after study has shown a direct correlation between the amount of fructose/glucose syrup consumed and obesity…

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Water also helps in many functions of the body so it is a healthy option in itself. So choose it instead of diet cola. Artificial sweeteners remain a controversial topic. I won’t go deep into this, but I’ve heard many of my customers and many people on forums say that when they stopped drinking their diet soda they felt better almost overnight and I’m sure there is something to that.

Weight Loss Solution #3: Take it a step further with some subtle tweaks

Other quick thoughts that could be – and will be – an article in their own right is a technique called “Volumetrics”. This can basically be summed up like this: try to eat some foods with each meal that require a lot of chewing and provide fewer calories! Vegetables will often work here: lettuce (low calorie or with no dressing), broccoli, celery, cucumbers, you name it.

Even with fruits like apples and berries, it’s pretty hard to stuff yourself silly. Whereas with calorie rich foods like cakes, pasta, cookies etc it is very easy to consume thousands of calories in one go. With these, you can eat around 100 calories in a few mouthfuls.

The trick is to trick your brain into thinking you’ve eaten too much because you’re chewing too much and shoving a lot of food down your throat. It appears that our bodies also have a “timing mechanism”: we can’t eat anything all day. So fast food means we eat too many calories too fast.

Try to apply this concept in a social setting. At buffets and restaurants, start by eating low-calorie vegetables before moving on to mains and, magically, without noticing it, you’ll have consumed far fewer calories and are burning that belly fat.

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After these easy initial steps, you’ll get up to speed, show yourself that you can do it, and then you can take it further with more focused weight loss solutions for even better results.

Source by Carmine Dotson

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