What is Xandrox and how does it help treat hair loss?

Xandrox products are manufactured by Dr. Richard Lee, founder and owner of Regrowth, a company based in Los Angeles and dedicated to hair loss treatment since 1986. Dr. Lee’s primary innovation with his Zandrox products is the addition of Minoxidil to it. Potent natural anti-androgen and DHT blocker Azelaic Acid. In this dual approach, minoxidil stimulates growth while at the same time azelaic acid blocks the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, reducing DHT formation in the scalp by up to 98%. Azelaic acid has been shown to be effective against acne and other skin conditions, but its effects against hair loss have not been proven. Xandrox is only available by prescription and while its ingredients are approved by the FDA (azelaic acid is approved for skin treatment, not hair loss), Xandrox itself is not. It is commonly used by men for the treatment of male pattern baldness, but also produces excellent results for some women, so it can be considered useful for both genders.

The combination of the two key ingredients of Xandrox was a good idea for a number of reasons, but the most practical fact should be that if you are in any way faced with the problem of applying a topical solution of Minoxidil (Rogaine) to your scalp, a single Why not take advantage of the added effects of a product like Xandrox in time? Also attractive to this approach is the fact that the inhibition of DHT by azelaic acid occurs only in the scalp and not systemically in the rest of the body. The exact mechanism by which Azelaic acid inhibits the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme from producing DHT is not known at this stage. Azelaic acid is also a key component of both Revivogen and Crinagen, so its DHT blocking efficacy in combating hair loss, while not yet fully understood, is not in question.

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The first Xandrox product was released in 1998 and contained 5% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid. The following year, Regrowth released a 12.5% ​​minoxidil lotion, also containing 5% azelaic acid, to complement the use of Xandrox 5% solutions on areas such as the temples or frontal hair line, which are good for weaker solutions. were not responding. Now, after much work with a biochemist to produce a chemically stable version of the product with greater potency, Xandrox15 contains 15% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid. Xandrox is available as a daytime formula and a nighttime formula, and for convenience, users often create a regimen consisting of several different products at different times of the day. Being sticky and can result in hair looking slightly dirty, Xandrox15 is often used at night and washed out in the morning. During the day, a lower potency and less noticeable product can be used instead. Whichever combination of products is working, 1ml of Xandrox is usually applied to the scalp twice a day.

In addition to various combinations of minoxidil and azelaic acid, Zandrox products may contain ingredients such as betamethasone valerate (a potent anti-inflammatory), benzyl nicotinate (an absorption enhancer), or retinoic acid (which gives the scalp a mild “chemical peel”). Can , Products with additional components can be made to order. The reverse is also true, specific ingredients can be omitted from the formula upon request if you don’t react well to them. The most recent range of Xandrox products usually do not contain retinoic acid as they are strong enough to make it unnecessary and the potential for unwanted side effects including itching, flaky or tingling is too high.

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Few side effects have been seen with Xandrox and many people prefer it to Rogaine because it is odorless, cleaner and less greasy.

The cost of a 65 ml bottle of Xandrox 5% is $33.95, the cost of a 125 ml bottle of Xandrox 12.5% ​​Lotion is $89.95, and the cost of a 125 ml bottle of Xandrox15 is $88.00.

Source by Mac Morris

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