What would happen if you combined martial arts with bodybuilding?

If you are a bodybuilder, have you ever thought of combining bodybuilding and martial arts? You should seriously consider this. Martial arts such as judo, karate, tae kwon do and aikido require a lot of strength, power and stamina, just like bodybuilding. Doing both can give you a very intense and unique exercise routine. After all, it’s not just about lifting weights. If you combine the two, you can actually build muscle much faster and better. Of course, you’ll also get the added benefit of learning a self-defense method.

Martial arts are known as a form of “applied bodybuilding”. It just means that if you are a martial artist, you cannot live without combining bodybuilding with it. This is because it is an active sport, so by doing it you will automatically build muscles.

Another great thing about martial arts is that it is a very interesting form of exercise. Instead of just lifting weights every day, you’ll learn to kick, punch, defend, and attack. You’ll never be bored.

Plus, since martial arts involve a lot of aerobic exercise, it’s a perfect complement to weight training, which is an aerobic one. After all, it includes punching, kicking, jumping, and more. There is also a lot of mental benefit from this. For example, you may find that as you study martial arts, your concentration, calmness of mind, and ability to handle situations with ease increase.

There are many other great things about martial arts. For example, you may lose body fat, make your joints stronger and feel more energetic. You can even directly improve your overall health. You may feel better and get sick less often throughout the year. All of this can be affected by training.

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Martial arts techniques are great for women too. Beyond just the obvious, self-defense, they are a great way for women to instill a little strength and confidence. Toss in a little weight training and it’s a winning combination.

Therefore, most people think of martial arts as nothing more than fighting, but this is not true. In fact, a good expert learns to control his anger and use martial arts only for self-defense.

As you can see, martial arts are a great form of physical and mental exercise. Combine this with weight training and you can really improve your health. You have nothing to lose by trying these and they can be really useful as well as fun. So, find the right combination of bodybuilding and martial arts for you and watch your body continually improve.

Source by Maverick Taylor

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