why low carb shakes can make you fat

There are many weight loss and diet products available in the market today. What you see on almost every grocery shelf is a low carb shake. The idea is to use this shake as a meal replacement and curb your appetite…thus you eat less…thereby reducing your weight. The formula seems very simple.

Consuming low carb shake = fat loss.

It’s simple, isn’t it? Wrong.

Restricting your carbs may produce short term results…thanks Dr. Atkins…if you want long term, sustainable body changes it is not the end solution. Most who attempt “low carb” or worse “no carb” diets don’t incorporate any exercise or mindset into their strategy at all… which is basically no strategy.

They just heard the same fake claims and misinformation that we all have – eat less or no carbs… your body will have less calories to consume… less calories means less fat… less Fat means more muscles.. more muscles means fit, trim sexy body.

The above scenario is not the way the body functions. First, carbohydrates are part of the chain of macronutrients your body needs to sustain life.

Most make the mistake of going on a low-carb diet, not taking in enough calories, and putting your body into “starvation mode.” Now your body is trying to store fat…that’s right…it turns most of what you eat into the exact thing you are trying to avoid…Fat .

So what does it burn for energy? Well, it’s not burning carbs… because you’re not eating carbs. So it burns…muscle. Yes, the muscle you’re trying to build is being consumed for energy. Guess what that leaves you with?

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Fat…fat…and more fat. Are you starting to get the picture? It is not beautiful.

So what do you need to change your body? And when I say change…I mean change for the better and for the rest of your life. If you’re looking for a meal replacement…and it’s a great idea…why not consider a true “meal” in a glass.

Why not try Shakeology?

Not only does it work as a meal replacement, but it is also an excellent health and nutrition supplement and can be part of a workout plan that will build lean muscle. Lean muscle boots your metabolism and burns more calories, helping you burn fat and lose weight. Consuming only one meal a day with Shakeology can help you get the best results.

So what’s inside the drink?

How do you feel about 70 of the healthiest, most potent and bioavailable ingredients on the planet? The prebiotics and digestive enzymes will help your body maximize absorption and aid digestion of all the nutrients.

Are your muscles sore and tired from working out? Shakeology contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that help to heal and rebuild damaged tissue. Are you taking a multivitamin supplement? If not, Shakeology contains dozens of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids to help build lean muscle mass, reduce appetite and stave off unhealthy food cravings.

Other benefits you may find are lower cholesterol, increased energy and endurance and an increase in your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories throughout the day. So do yourself a favor… stay away from the promoted “low carb” processed beverages that do nothing but make your bank account “lighter”.

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Source by Rhonda Gennarelli

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