Your family will be healthy in summer, follow these 5 tips

How To Keep Your Body Cool In Summer: Summer season means sunny, sweaty and humid weather. In summer, neither does he want to eat anything nor does he feel like going out. It seems that just keep drinking water throughout the day. Keep eating something cold so that the moisture in the body remains. Problems related to stomach and digestion are the most in summer. A slight carelessness leads to fever, cough and stomach problems.

In such a situation, you should take great care of your daily routine and food and drink in summer. You should adopt methods of protection from heat. Eat light food, drink plenty of water, wear light cotton clothes, do not go out in the sun, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and keep exercising. This will strengthen your immunity and keep you away from diseases. Let us know what changes you should make in the lifestyle in summer, so that you and your family are safe.

These tips will remove the problems of summer

1- Wear light and cotton clothes- To stay cool in summer, you should use light colored clothes. Light colors bring coolness to the eyes. In the summer season, thin clothes like cotton, chiffon, crepe or georgette should be worn. Air passes easily in these clothes and your sweat also dries quickly. Cotton clothes also protect against skin infection and prickly heat.

2- Eat fresh and light food- In summer, you should take great care of diet. You should eat such things which are light and easily digested. You should consume more and more fruits. Eat a little less than you are hungry, avoid eating more oily spices. Eat juicy fruits like oranges, watermelon, melon, grapes and mango in the food. With this, the lack of water in the body can be easily fulfilled.

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3- Keep the body hydrated- Keeping the body hydrated is most important to stay healthy in summer. You should drink more and more water throughout the day. Apart from this, juice, curd, milk, buttermilk, lassi, lemonade, glucon D should be kept on drinking. You must drink 1 coconut water a day, due to this the lack of water in the body can be easily fulfilled.

4- Get enough sleep- Plenty of sleep is essential in summer. Many times, due to excessive heat, we do not get good sleep, due to which irritability arises. Therefore, when you feel the need, leave all the work and complete the sleep. Good sleep keeps the body healthy and diseases away.

5- Do exercise- Sweat starts flowing as soon as you do a little workout in summer, it does not mean that you should stop doing exercises. You should do some exercise or walk daily. You can also do yoga in the morning and evening. Exercising will keep the body energetic.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Summer Health: Even scorching heat will not spoil anything, eat these 5 things

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