300 workout for women

Women need strength training to reduce obesity. This is surprising. And women can also do hard training. This is also surprising to many people. Here are some of the best workouts for weight loss for women.

Now just because the 300 Workout was made for a guy movie, doesn’t mean we can’t modify a workout originally made to sculpt the body of a male Greek statue into a workout that will turn the average girl into a fitness goddess.

The original 300 workout is brutal, and we can modify it in two ways. First, by using similar exercises and minimizing repetitions. and second, by keeping the repetitions but reducing the intensity of the exercise.

Let’s do option A first, a workout with mostly the same exercises but with fewer repetitions. So it becomes a 125 rep workout. It’s tough, and is really only for advanced women’s fitness. A more beginner’s exercise is below.

a) Pullups – 5 reps (if you can’t do actual pullups, use an assisted pullup machine or even pulldowns)

b) Deadlift with 25 pounds – 30 reps (In the original workout, he used 135 pounds. We’ll drop the weight and use an EZ curl bar instead. Alternatively, you can do dumbbell squats with 15 pounds per hand).

c) Pushups – 20 reps (combine regular and kneeling if necessary)

d) 12-inch box jump – 25 reps

e) Floor Wiper – 20 reps (use ez curl bar, or broomstick again)

f) 1-arm clean and press with 10-pound kettlebell – 20 reps total, no per arm

g) Pullups – 5 reps (same as above)

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A woman with a moderate fitness level can try this 100 repetition workout (remember – minimize rest between sets):

5 bodyweight rows

15 bodyweight squats

5 pushups

50 jumping jacks

10 climbers

10 lunges

5 bodyweight rows

Those are some challenging workouts. Work with the instructor to come up with other ideas.

Do this workout just once as a test. As a comparison, you can try it every two months, but don’t train like this every day.

And as always, train safe. If you’re not sure about technique, your form, or don’t feel comfortable with a workout, skip it!

Source by Craig Ballantyne

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