No exercise, no dieting, only these things will reduce weight

Workout Tips And Diet Plan: Losing weight is definitely difficult, but once one gets addicted to losing weight. He then admits to being thin. You must have read and heard the stories of many such people who have magically lost their increased weight. To reduce obesity, you first need to be patient. You have to keep trying in this direction. By adopting some diet, exercise and some tricks for weight loss, you can achieve the goal. Your diet is most effective in this. Today we are telling you some such small but useful things that will help in your weight loss. Let’s know.

1- Fenugreek water- This is a very tested and dietician-prescribed formula. If you want to reduce fat. So make fenugreek water a part of your diet. You have to consume fenugreek water every morning on an empty stomach. For this, put 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 glass of water and soak it overnight. Warm it in the morning and drink it lukewarm. Try it for 1 month and you will see the difference.

2- Eat less than hunger- You do not have to diet, just eat a little less than you are hungry. Overeating leads to stomach problems and obesity also increases. If you eat 2 roti then eat only 1 roti and lots of vegetables and salad.

3- Green tea after eating- When you have lunch, drink 1 glass of green tea after half an hour. Yes, keep in mind that you have to drink green without adding sweetness and only slightly hot. With this your food will be easily digested.

  Lose Weight - Commit

4- jogging for half an hour every day- You only have to do brisk jogging for half an hour daily in the daily workout. If you are not able to jog, then definitely walk for at least 4-5 kilometers. You can complete it in around 40-45 minutes.

5- Keep dinner very light- You have to eat very light food in dinner. You can drink lentils if you want. You can make soup of lentils or vegetables and drink it. Apart from this, you can eat egg or cheese. If you do not understand anything, then drink 1 glass of warm milk. This will reduce the weight fast.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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