How hair follicle simulation or scalp micropigmentation can benefit women

An average, healthy person should have about one and a half million hairs on their head, a number that remains fairly consistent throughout a lifetime. Although it is hereditary, the condition of the hair and the damage caused to the hair by exposure to pollutants increase the rate of hair loss. Loss of more than 100 hairs per day is a cause for concern.

Growing concern of hair loss in women

Although men are more prone to hair loss as they age, millions of women around the world suffer from hair thinning and hair loss. There can be many factors contributing to this condition which may include stress, exposure to pollution, even diseases and health problems like vitamin deficiencies.

There are many products and services on the market that claim to regrow your hair naturally. However, there are many different factors that could be the main cause, each of which becomes difficult to sort out. In addition, surgical procedures and certain scalp conditions can leave scars on the scalp that make hair unable to grow.

a new solution

Hair follicle simulation is a new technique for cosmetically covering the scalp with dots of pigment to make the head appear full of hair. The process is very similar to that used for tattooing, except the equipment is much more delicate and requires specialized knowledge. Even the pigment used is specifically made for the skull, as it must retain its color for a longer period of time than traditional tattoos.

Hair follicle simulation aims to mimic the look of hair follicles on the head so that bald patches are not as clearly visible. The color of the pigment, the thickness of the needle and the angle of needle entry are determined according to the natural growth of the hair so that it looks natural and uniform.

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how to get it done

Hair follicle simulation treatment is painless and safe, as long as the needle used is brand new and the procedure is conducted in a sterile environment in the hands of an experienced specialist. The effects are immediately visible and it stays that way for decades, although touch ups may be needed as the pigment fades, so you’ll need to commit yourself to it. Make sure you visit a reputed clinic and see the results the treatment has had on prior patients to decide if you want to go for it.

How much does this treatment cost?

The cost of SMP hair density treatment or hair follicle simulation depends on what area of ​​the country you are in, the providers experience, and the amount of area to be covered. The average per treatment for most men and women is around $3000. It can seem expensive, however, given how much time and money we spend trying to cover up these areas of baldness or thinning hair, and/or how much our self-esteem and body image are compromised by not having this treatment. It happens. While many women wear wigs or plugs to cover up bald spots, both men and women now have another option: hair follicle simulation.

Source by Tino Barbone

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