Weight gain and low testosterone in men

Aging is a natural process of life. It is inevitable and each one of us has to go through it. Aging comes with many factors like decline in cognitive ability, low brain activity, decline in physical ability, etc. Low testosterone comes with age.

As men age, their testosterone levels decline. This affects their quality of life as well as physical problems. Studies show that testosterone levels begin to decline when men are in their mid-30s and continue to decline as they age.

What is testosterone?

It is an important hormone in the body. Without it, it’s disturbing to think what men would be like. In essence this is what defines man. It is responsible for facial and chest hair in men. It stimulates their sex drive. It is also responsible for deepening the voice in men, maintaining the strength of muscles and bones, and maintaining interest in sex in men.

As men get older, their sex drive declines. The reason for this is believed to be the decline in the testosterone hormone. This hormone has also been proven to contribute to weight gain. Weight gain typically begins when men reach their mid-30s. At this age, no matter how much exercise a person does, it is very difficult to keep the weight off. Weight gain continues, especially around the abdomen. This is the reason why many older men have belly fat.

Weight Gain – The Battle of Low Testosterone

Weight gain is inevitable as men age. It is an endless battle that men have to fight to reduce their bloated belly. Weight gain and body fat accumulation are associated with decreased testosterone levels.

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When the level of testosterone starts decreasing in men, a lot of fat gets stored in their body. At the same time, their lean muscles start decreasing. Like many hormones, testosterone targets various tissues in the body. It determines how the body maintains a balance of glucose, fat, and insulin. It stimulates insulin sensitivity which is helpful in the body when insulin levels are low.

Men with low testosterone are at a higher risk of developing insulin resistance than men with high testosterone levels. Insulin resistance is one reason for weight gain.

Decreased testosterone levels lead to an increase in inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein. Inflammation contributes to conditions such as obesity and cancer. In addition, fat build-up is accompanied by a decline in low testosterone levels. This fat also contributes to increasing markers of inflammation.

Due to low testosterone levels in men, their weight starts increasing. Other studies have shown that men who are obese have lower levels of testosterone.

The accumulation of fat in the body reduces the level of testosterone.

The connection between low testosterone and weight gain is an endless cycle of mystery. As your testosterone levels decline, body fat tends to accumulate. Due to this, the production of hormones continues to be affected even further.

Fat stored in the body contains enzymes that convert the hormone testosterone into estrogen. Estrogen is what is responsible for slowing down the production of testosterone in the body. This means more fat builds up in the body. The less testosterone is produced in the body, the more fat is stored in the body.

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Excess body fat combined with low testosterone makes the situation worse. When fat is in excess, the rate at which testosterone is broken down increases. The more body fat you have, the more testosterone you burn.

To put it mildly, not everyone who is obese will have low testosterone. It varies from person to person. So being overweight does not mean that it will worsen the condition of already low testosterone in your body.

Another factor that may contribute to weight gain in men with low testosterone is that the symptoms that accompany the condition make it difficult to exercise. Men do not burn body fat due to lack of exercise. This leads to unnecessary weight gain. The more you eat without exercising, the more body weight you gain and this time it is not necessarily only in the abdominal area.

Natural Ways To Manage Weight Gain With Low Testosterone

The best way to combat weight gain when your testosterone levels are low is to increase exercise while reducing your plate size. When it comes to losing weight, eating less and exercising more will work.

In general, lifting weights helps build muscle and increases testosterone production. Decreased testosterone production decreases muscle mass while increasing body fat. Lifting weights helps to grow muscles as well as starts the production of hormones. This means that less fat will be produced in the body.

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Source by Winnie Misigah

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