Health Tips: Do swimming in summer, both stress and obesity will go away

Swimming Benefits: Swimming is the best way to get relief from the heat and work out. Swimming is a cardio exercise that helps you lose weight. Swimming is a full body exercise. If you swim for an hour, then it helps to burn as many calories as an hour of running. The special thing is that swimming does not have a bad effect on the joints either. Swimming is the best full body workout. This exercises all the muscles of the body. In such a situation, swimming is the best way to workout in summer. Apart from this, swimming also provides many other benefits.

benefits of swimming

1- Full-body workout- Swimming is your full body workout. This is a great cardio exercise. Your feet move continuously while swimming. It also exercises the hands and shoulders. Swimming tones the muscles and also increases stamina.

2- Control heart and blood pressure- Swimming is an exercise that makes the body healthy not only from outside, but from inside. Swimming is an exercise to strengthen the heart and respiratory system. It is said that swimming also lowers blood pressure and also helps in controlling diabetes.

3- Provide relief in pain- Swimming is one such exercise that gives a lot of relaxation to your body. It provides relief in joint pain and back pain. Swimming is considered safe even if there is arthritis or bone injury. In summer, the pain of the whole body disappears by staying in the warm water of the swimming pool.

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4- Make the lungs strong- Swimming strengthens the lungs. This increases the ability to increase the amount of oxygen in the lungs. You develop the ability to hold the breath for a longer period of time. Swimming is also considered very beneficial for asthma patients.

5- Get good sleep and remove stress- The body gets very tired after swimming. Swimming makes you feel very relaxed. The stress level decreases after going into the water. That’s why good sleep comes after swimming. This makes the body stress free.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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