Now Whether You Have 5 Minutes Or 50, This Walking Style Will Make You Slim

How To Lose Weight: Along with staying healthy, everyone wants to look slim trim. Sometimes exercise time is available, but sometimes this work is also missed. But walk is such a fitness form that you can do it anytime and anywhere. Today I will tell you 3 such walking styles in which weight can be reduced by walking according to the time, more or less.

5 minute power walk If you don’t get a long break, try 5 minutes of power walking. It reduces weight and also improves mental health. For power walk, you have to remember that small steps have to be taken and hands also have to move back and forth in speed and in walking from heel to toes. That is, in the walk, you have to touch the heel first and then the claw. You can also watch the video for how to do power walk in the right way.

20 minute walk If you have only 20-25 minutes for a walk, then in this style you have to warm up for the first 3-4 minutes. After this, you have to start a normal walk, but during that time, every 5 minutes, you have to do power walk for one minute, that is, do fast walk and keep the foot on the ground from the side of the heel to the toes. Then do normal walk for 4 minutes. In this way, you can do 4-5 minutes of power walk and 15-20 minutes of walk in this style.

40 minute walk The golden rule of exercise is 40 minutes walk. You have to keep yourself fit and take out 40 minutes time. This 40-minute walk will keep your body as well as your mind healthy. In this walk, you can keep the normal speed and when practice is done, you can increase the speed a little. If 40 minutes of walking is done every day, then the weight will also be reduced and the fitness will also increase.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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