Reduces obesity, bread made from this flour will reduce weight even after eating full

Weight Loss Roti: To reduce obesity, people first stop eating roti. It is advised to reduce carbs in dieting, but by not eating bread throughout the day, weakness starts in the body. Therefore, at the beginning of dieting, instead of wheat, you should eat rotis made from other grains. Eating wheat bread increases obesity. Instead of wheat, you should eat rotis made from multi grain, ragi, millet, jowar and bran. Eating roti made from this flour helps in rapid weight loss. If you want, eat these rotis in full, yet your weight will not increase. Let us know which rotis made of flour should be eaten during dieting.

1- Ragi- You must include ragi flour in the diet. During dieting, eating roti made from ragi flour helps in reducing weight. The body gets plenty of fiber from ragi, which keeps the stomach full for a long time.
2- Multigrain- Many types of grains are mixed in multigrain flour roti. Chickpea flour is also added to multigrain flour. Which helps in reducing weight. Due to this, blood sugar is also controlled and nutrition also increases.
3- Millet- Eat millet roti for weight loss. After eating it, you do not feel hungry for a long time. Eating millet roti helps in weight control. Bajra roti is rich in fiber and vitamins.
4- bran- If you have to eat only wheat bread, then it should have a lot of bran, that is, grind the flour coarsely and use it without filtering. To be thin, you should eat only breads of bran flour. Such flour contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, magnesium, vitamin E and B complex.
5- Barley-gram- Nowadays, during dieting, it is advisable to eat roti made from barley and gram flour. It helps in reducing obesity and keeping the body fit. By eating rotis made from this flour, fewer calories will be stored in the body and your weight will be reduced quickly.

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