These foods increase memory, your memory will be good

These foods increase memory, your memory will be good

Superfood For Brain: Nowadays people have started getting a lot of mental diseases. This problem has increased rapidly after the corona epidemic. People are troubled by stress, tension and anxiety. People get tensed over the slightest thing. The cases of depression have increased rapidly in the recent times. In such a situation, along with physical … Read more

Do not make these 5 mistakes during exercise and workout, your hard work will be in vain

Do not make these 5 mistakes during exercise and workout, your hard work will be in vain

What Should Not Do During Exercise: If you work out daily, then the body gets many benefits from it. Obesity is the biggest enemy of our health. If you keep weight under control, your heart remains healthy, you sleep better, your risk of diabetes is reduced and it also maintains your fitness. To lose weight, … Read more

How safe is your heart? Find out with this test at home

How safe is your heart?  Find out with this test at home

Types Of Heart Tests At Home: The number of people dying of heart diseases is increasing all over the world including India. According to the WHO, the death toll of youth due to heart diseases in India accounts for 20 percent of the deaths due to heart diseases in the world. For some time, the … Read more

These are 5 amazing benefits, which are available by getting up early in the morning

These are 5 amazing benefits, which are available by getting up early in the morning

Waking Up Nowadays, the reason for many diseases is our lifestyle. If seen, there has been a rapid change in lifestyle in the last 10-15 years. The eating habits and living habits of the people have changed completely. Eating late at night, waking up till late at night and then sleeping till late in the … Read more

What is spot weight loss, know whether weight can be reduced from any one part?

What is spot weight loss, know whether weight can be reduced from any one part?

Is Spot Reduction Possible: Fitness has become the craze of people nowadays. People do workouts in different ways. Some spend hours in the gym and some are resorting to Yoga and Zumba. Some people have to reduce overall body weight, while some people want to lose weight from a particular place. Nowadays spot weight loss … Read more

If you are planning pregnancy then definitely try these seeds cycle

If you are planning pregnancy then definitely try these seeds cycle

Seeds Cycle For Pregnancy: If you are planning pregnancy then you can follow the Seeds Cycle to conceive soon. Actually, in the seeds cycle, the powder of pumpkin and flax seeds is eaten for the first 15 days in the whole month and the powder of sunflower seeds and sesame is eaten for the next … Read more

Why is hepatitis B disease fatal, know what are the symptoms

Why is hepatitis B disease fatal, know what are the symptoms

Hepatitis B Causes And Symptoms: World Hepatitis Day will be observed on 28 July. Hepatitis kills people worldwide every year. It is a liver disease that spreads through infection. The risk of hepatitis increases due to excessive alcohol consumption, poor eating habits or certain medicines. Liver inflammation occurs when hepatitis occurs. If the liver gets … Read more

If you want to avoid diseases in the rainy season, then eat dry ginger and honey, know the benefits

If you want to avoid diseases in the rainy season, then eat dry ginger and honey, know the benefits

Dry Ginger And Honey For Cold: With the onset of monsoon, viral infections, colds and many other diseases start spreading. Immunity becomes very weak in this season. In such a situation, you should take great care of the diet. To avoid diseases, you should consume honey and dry ginger daily. Many serious problems stay away … Read more