By eating one pomegranate a day, these changes will start happening in the body and the magic will start appearing within a week.

By eating one pomegranate a day, these changes will start happening in the body and the magic will start appearing within a week.

Pomegranate is an expensive fruit available in the market and its juice is also quite expensive. Most people drink orange or seasonal juice in the name of juice, but pomegranate juice is also very popular among the people. People often drink it to overcome health problems. It is often recommended to drink pomegranate juice in … Read more

Pay attention to edible oil along with food, this oil is most effective in keeping the heart healthy.

Pay attention to edible oil along with food, this oil is most effective in keeping the heart healthy.

Best Cooking Oil: Pay attention to cooking oil along with food, this oil is most effective in keeping the heart healthy Source link

Do not eat wheat, barley flour, heart, diabetes, cholesterol and obesity will all be under control

Do not eat wheat, barley flour, heart, diabetes, cholesterol and obesity will all be under control

Weight Loss Food: To lose weight, you first need to make changes in your cereals. You should eliminate wheat flour from your diet. Instead, you should eat barley ie rotis made from barley flour. Barley flour is very beneficial. This helps in weight loss. Eating barley flour regularly keeps the heart healthy and is beneficial … Read more