वजन घटाने के लिए कौन-सा नमक खाना सबसे ज्यादा फायदेमंद और क्यों?

वजन घटाने के लिए कौन-सा नमक खाना सबसे ज्यादा फायदेमंद और क्यों? Source link

अगर 1 महीने के लिए पूरी तरह से छोड़ दें नमक, तो क्या होगा? एक्सपर्ट से जानें इस सवाल का जवाब

अगर 1 महीने के लिए पूरी तरह से छोड़ दें नमक, तो क्या होगा? एक्सपर्ट से जानें इस सवाल का जवाब Source link

If you are feeling these 4 problems in the body, then understand that you are eating more salt than necessary.

Health Risk Of Eating Too Much Salt: Salt does the work of adding flavor to any spicy and spicy dish. Salt is used in most of the food eaten on a daily basis. Salt is such an ingredient, eating less of which is harmful as well as eating more. If you eat less salt, there … Read more

Is the salt you are using is pure or not? find out like this

Salt Purity Test: Salt enhances the taste of food. It is difficult to imagine eating without salt. Salt is one such ingredient in chili-spices, which is used in food. Even if we can cook food without other spices, but it is not possible without salt. Salt not only enhances the taste of food but is … Read more

Why is it beneficial to eat salt before exercise, know how it will help in weight loss

Salt Before Workout: Both diet and exercise are necessary for weight loss. When you exercise, it burns the fat deposited on the body and the right diet makes this process faster. Before doing gym workouts, it is advisable to eat light food rich in protein. Eating banana or dry fruits before workout gives you energy, … Read more