If you want to avoid heart attack, then tie the knot of these 10 habits. will always be happy and healthy

Habits For Healthy Heart: In the last few years, the cases of heart attack have increased rapidly and this has also created some panic in the hearts of the people. Especially according to which the cases of heart attack are increasing among the youth. Youngsters have also started living in tension with him. There is … Read more

These carelessness can kill your life while exercising in the gym

Raju Shrivastav Death: The comedian suffered a heart attack while exercising in the gym and this heart attack became the cause of his death. The team of senior doctors in AIIMS was working day and night to save Raju Srivastava but his life could not be saved. According to media reports, there was 100% blockage … Read more

If you want to save heart from heart attack, then keep these food in your mind

Healthy Food For Heart: For a healthy heart, it is most important to keep cholesterol right and drink food in such a way that good cholesterol increases and LDL or bad cholesterol is reduced. Try to make your food habit such that it is rich in omega 3, fiber, anti-oxidant, rich vitamins and phytochemical. Know … Read more

If you want to be healthy, then definitely eat these 5 brown foods in the routine

Benefit Of Brown Food: If you want to lose weight, then use brown food instead of white things in the diet. Brown food is more beneficial than white food, brown food items like bread, pasta, sugar, egg are very beneficial for health. These super foods contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals than white food. If … Read more