Can ‘happy pills’ make you sad? The truth about antidepressants from their users

IT is a billion dollar question, do so-called “happy pills” work? The value of the global antidepressant market in 2022 was £13BILLION. The value of the global antidepressant market in 2022 was £13BILLIONCredit: Shutterstock Dr Alex George credits his sertraline pills with pulling him through after the loss of his younger brother to suicide in … Read more

IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells

Home Health IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells IISc scientists have proposed a novel method for cancer treatment which has the potential of detecting and killing of lung and cervical cancer cells at early stages. Representational Image (Pixabay) New Delhi: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science(IISc) have reportedly developed a … Read more

रात में सोते वक्त आता है ज्यादा पसीना? कहीं आपको ये गंभीर बीमारी तो नहीं! तुरंत कराएं जांच

गर्मियों के मौसम में पसीना आना वैसे तो काफी आम बात होती है. हालांकि अगर आपको रात को पंखे या एसी में सोते वक्त भी पसीना आ रहा है तो यह काफी चिंता का विषय है और इस संकेत को आपको भूलकर भी इग्नोर करने की गलती नहीं करनी चाहिए. आपको भले ही यह लगे … Read more

स्टडी में हुआ चौंकाने वाला खुलासा, युवाओं में बढ़ रहा कैंसर का खतरा, जानिए क्या है इसकी वजह?

<p style="text-align: justify;">जामा नेटवर्क ओपन में इस हफ्ते एक स्टडी पब्लिश की गई है. इस स्टडी में कहा गया है कि 50 साल या उससे कम उम्र के लोगों के बीच 2010 से 2019 में शुरुआती कैंसर के मामले ज्यादा देखने को मिले हैं. इस अवधि के दौरान सबसे ज्यादा तेजी से विस्तार करने वाला … Read more

If these 5 symptoms start appearing in the body, then get it checked by the doctor immediately, it may be cancer

Cancer is such a disease whose symptoms are very difficult to identify. The symptoms of this disease are completely visible only when it has spread completely in the body. However, by keeping an eye on some visible changes in the body, you can detect this disease as soon as possible. You may not be aware … Read more

Not only the way of eating, these things kept in the kitchen can also cause cancer

When it comes to prevention of disease, attention should not only be given to diet and exercise, but cleanliness of the house and the things kept in the house should also be taken care of. It may sound strange, but the dirt of the house and kitchen can also make you ill. An important part … Read more

From mole to change in weight, these 5 common ‘warning signals’ of cancer are seen in youth

Cancer Warning Symptoms: Cancer is such a dangerous disease, whose symptoms are usually clearly visible after the condition worsens. Recognizing its initial symptoms proves difficult for everyone. Most of the symptoms of cancer appear like common problems, so people do not recognize them on time. Although many people take small symptoms seriously and get it … Read more

Obesity can cause cancer risk, these 13 types are caused by weight gain

Obesity Cause Cancer: Obesity is the root of many diseases. Due to today’s bad food and wasteful lifestyle, a large number of people are becoming obese. Obesity is such a physical problem, which brings many diseases along with it. People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart … Read more