Addiction to drinking coffee will be controlled, eat these 2 fruits every day

Coffee Addiction Controlling Tips: Intoxication is not only of alcohol but also of caffeine. That is, just as some people are unable to control the habit of drinking alcohol, in the same way some people drink coffee several times a day and cannot live without drinking coffee. If it happens with you too that if … Read more

Can the problem of PMS be controlled, know what women should do and what not

How To Control Pmsing: Most of the women have to face many problems before the period starts. These problems are related to changes in body and mood. Due to changes in hormones, women have hundreds of problems before periods. Hundreds are saying this because the physical and mental changes that happen before periods are different … Read more

Aak Leaves: By applying this leaf on the soles of the feet, the sugar level of the diabetic patient will be controlled,

Other Plants: To reduce sugar, diabetic patients can include okra, fenugreek, jamun, cinnamon, red chilli, basil, shilajit and bay leaves in their lifestyle to reduce sugar. , Source link

Diabetes will be controlled by this diet, pre-diabetic people will not be at risk of diabetes

Low Carb And High Protein Diet Is Good In Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease that can only be controlled. Diabetes patients can control the blood sugar level in the body by their diet. That is why it is important that you reduce the amount of carbs in your diet and reduce the amount of protein. … Read more

Diabetes will be controlled with kiwi, here is the complete information

Diabetes Diet: Diabetes has become a common disease in the run-of-the-mill life. Now slowly people of all ages are coming under its grip. Lifestyle has to be completely changed to control diabetes. One has to improve the eating habits. Mental health also has to be taken care of, but kiwi is such a fruit, which … Read more

Walnuts have many benefits, sugar level will be controlled by eating them daily

Walnuts For Diabetes Control: A diabetic patient should consciously include something in his diet. Your diet and lifestyle first affect this disease. By the way, a diabetic patient should consume dry fruits. Dry fruits are very beneficial for health. Eating a handful of dry fruits daily keeps many diseases away. If you cannot eat all … Read more

Uric acid can be controlled by including these things in the diet

Uric Acid Diet: By including these things in the diet, uric acid can be controlled. Source link

High blood pressure has to be controlled, follow these ayurvedic remedies

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure has to be controlled, follow these ayurvedic remedies. Source link