The risk of diabetes increases not only because of eating sweets, but also because of this habit.

Diabetes is becoming a common disease today. Most people think sugar is to blame. It is also true that eating too much sugar causes diabetes, but in a new study, scientists have found that using plastic bottles also poses a risk of diabetes. There are dangerous chemicals there that can cause dangerous illnesses. This study, … Read more

5 sour and sweet fruits are very beneficial in diabetes, control blood sugar

Diabetes Fruits: 5 Sour and Sweet Fruits Are Very Beneficial in Diabetes, Control Blood Sugar Level Source link

Why is lychee eaten only after soaking it in water?

Lychee (Litchi chinensis) is a seasonal fruit grown in many countries. It contains abundant nutrients. Which are very good to look at and taste. The lychee has a round shape and a shiny skin, it is sweet, juicy and rich in pulp. Lychee contains high levels of antioxidants that protect cells from damage. At the … Read more

Why do some women fail to become mothers? It could be 8 reasons – GoMedii | Symptoms, Reasons and Causes of Infertility in Some Women in Hindi

Becoming a mother is one of life’s greatest joys. Nature gave this power only to women so that they could develop a part of themselves and their love in the womb, give birth to them and continue the family tradition. But some women do not achieve this happiness throughout their lives and fail to become … Read more

At what age is diabetes most dangerous, know special prevention tips

Being a chronic disease, diabetes can increase the risk of many diseases. Due to changing lifestyles, a large number of people today are falling prey to diabetes. This disease is also gradually increasing among young people. According to the British Diabetics Association, over the past four to five years, cases of diabetes in people under … Read more

The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

Sugar Consumption: The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this “slow poison” is deposited. Source link

Blood sugar will be controlled overnight, just mix this thing in flour

Diet for Diabetic Patients:Diabetes has become a rapidly increasing problem affecting everyone – children, young and old. In such a situation, to avoid diabetes, one is advised to pay special attention to diet. It is especially advisable to avoid roti and rice, but it is very difficult to remove roti and rice from the Indian … Read more

This bitter thing can also increase the problems of diabetic patients, otherwise one should keep distance from them today…

Health tips: The number of diabetic patients in India is increasing day by day, the risk of diabetes is increasing rapidly not only with age but also among young people. This is partly due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, which cause people to become victims of diabetes at an early age. But most people … Read more