डायबिटीज में खा सकते हैं अमरूद की चटनी, इससे नहीं बढ़ेगा शुगर

डायबिटीज में खा सकते हैं अमरूद की चटनी, इससे नहीं बढ़ेगा शुगर

<p>अमरूद स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है और इसमें विभिन्न पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं. अमरूद के सेवन से शुगर के स्तर पर नियंत्रण रखने में मदद हो सकती है, हालांकि यह डायबिटीज को पूरी तरह से नियंत्रित करने का एकीकृत उपाय नहीं है. लेकिन इसके कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं, जिसमें डायबिटीज कंट्रोल करने … Read more

Diabetes: 4 Ayurvedic Herbs From Your Kitchen Shelf to Control Blood Sugar

Diabetes: 4 Ayurvedic Herbs From Your Kitchen Shelf to Control Blood Sugar

Diabetes should be recognized and treated early to prevent the condition from worsening and causing potential long-term health problems. Check out 4 Ayurvedic herbs to treat your sugar levels naturally. Diabetes Control Tips: 4 Ayurvedic Herbs From Your Kitchen Shelf Help Blood Sugar Levels Naturally Diabetes Control Tips: Diabetes is a common lifestyle disease that … Read more

Diabetes patients should use these oils and spices, blood sugar will remain under control

Diabetes patients should use these oils and spices, blood sugar will remain under control

Diabetes Control Food: Diet, workout and lifestyle are the 3 things that keep you healthy. In such a situation, if you are a diabetic patient, then to control diabetes, you need to pay the most attention to your diet. Diabetes is a disease that can only be controlled. Once you have diabetes, you need to … Read more

Diabetes and psychiatric disorders: Dublin study finds connection between mental health and Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes and psychiatric disorders: Dublin study finds connection between mental health and Type 2 diabetes

The onset of diabetes can throw off the control of mental health disorders and vice versa. Photo: iStock KEY POINTS It is a well known fact that diabetes is a health condition that does not operate in a vacuum. It is not impossible to control high blood sugar with determination and discipline. A study now … Read more