What is the difference between syndrome, disorder and phobia, how different the three are each other?

What is the difference between syndrome, disorder and phobia, how different the three are each other?

When we talk about syndrome, we talk about a group. He often talks about a particular type of disease and symptoms. When we talk about disorder, it is a disease that causes problems in the physical functioning of a person. At the same time, phobia is fear in the face of a particular thing or … Read more

What’s it like to be: Experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder in winter

What’s it like to be: Experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder in winter

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that can occur when the seasons change, especially in winter when there is less light. Photo / Getty Images Online Exclusive What’s it like to live with…? is a fortnightly column in which New Zealanders from all walks of life share their first-hand experiences. In this … Read more

Auto immune disorder coming to the fore in Dengue, thus causing damage to the liver

Auto immune disorder coming to the fore in Dengue, thus causing damage to the liver

Dengue Cases: Dengue cases are increasing continuously in many states of the country including Delhi. Dengue did not spread very fast in September, but in October, there have been a lot of dengue cases. Dengue patients are being admitted to the hospital and getting treatment. Due to low platelets, many patients have even needed to … Read more

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Binge Eating Disorder : If you or someone you know is eating more food than you need or more than your appetite, or he is feeling hungry again and again, then he may be a victim of binge eating. It is a kind of disorder. Binge eating is a habit of overeating or a problem … Read more

What is Anxiety Disorder? Get away with these natural ways

What is Anxiety Disorder?  Get away with these natural ways

Anxiety Disorders: In the recent past, you must have heard a lot of name of anxiety. Actually, changing lifestyle has a great impact on our health. Anxiety disorder is a type of mental illness in which there is panic over every little thing. In this disease, the person is always troubled by some problem or … Read more

Seasonal Affective Disorder cases increase in winter, these are the symptoms

Seasonal Affective Disorder cases increase in winter, these are the symptoms

Depression Cases Increase In Winter: Diwali After the pink winter season will begin. As the weather cools, so will the cases of depression. You will be surprised to know but it is true that the cases of suicide increase in large numbers during the winter season. The reason for this is depression. We are talking … Read more

Bipolar disorder patient has these two mental problems, this problem comes when the weather changes

Bipolar disorder patient has these two mental problems, this problem comes when the weather changes

What is Bipolar Disorder: Among many types of mental problems, bipolar disorder is also included in highly sensitive diseases. In this disease, the patient has both depression and mania. Depression means depression and mania means some special changes in mood due to circumstance. Patients suffering from bipolar disorder have episodes of both these diseases. That … Read more

Sleep is not complete even after sleeping properly at night? This disorder may be the reason

Sleep is not complete even after sleeping properly at night?  This disorder may be the reason

Hypersomnia Disorder: Sleep is an important factor related to our health. But most of us have some problem related to sleep in our lifetime. Some people start getting a lot of sleep and some have to struggle even to sleep. Even if sleep is taken less than its scheduled time, there is a bad effect … Read more