Make distance with these vegetables in monsoon, otherwise there may be many serious problems

Vegetables in Monsoon : In monsoon, the problem of joint pain increases a lot for some people. Have you ever tried to find out the reason for this? Are you experiencing pain and swelling on your toes? If yes, then get the uric acid checked once. If you do not get uric acid treatment on … Read more

Health Tips: If someone in the family has cancer, then keep distance from these foods

Health Tips: Cancer is considered one of the most serious diseases in the world today. There are many types of cancer, which can affect different parts of the body. Let us tell you that it is characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cancer cells due to which tumors are formed. In the beginning it … Read more

Keep distance from these things in summer, otherwise it will not take long to fall ill

Harmful Food In Summer: Being careless about eating and drinking in summer can take a toll on your health. Eating spoiled or stale food can cause stomach problems. Eating cold things in extreme heat can also cause problems. Keeping fruits or vegetables outside in the heat can make you sick. In such a situation, you … Read more

You will be surprised due to the increase in belly fat, make a distance from these bad habits today

How To Reduce belly fat: People are often troubled by the increase in belly fat, but have you wondered why obesity accumulates around the stomach. Actually, there are two types of fat in our body. The first is in the layer under the skin and the second is visceral fat, which grows inside our skin. … Read more