Do You Fast Often? It May Help to Lower Cancer Risk, New Study Finds- Here is What We Know

Home Health Do you fast frequently? May Help Reduce Cancer Risk, New Study Finds: Here’s What We Know According to the findings of a new study, observing a fast twice a week can help boost immunity to fight cancer cells in the body. Observing a fast has many benefits, reducing the risk of cancer could … Read more

1 दिन व्रत करने के हैं गजब फायदे, वजन कम होगा, हार्ट हेल्थ सुधरेगी, बढ़ेगी याददाश्त

Vrat Ke Fayde: व्रत करना सिर्फ आध्यात्मिक तौर पर ही नहीं सेहत के लिए भी फायदेमंद है. हिंदू धर्म में तो व्रत सालभर चलता रहता है. इसके कई फायदे बताए जाते हैं.  मेडिकल साइंस में इंटरमिटेंट फास्टिंग (Intermittent Fasting) पर कई रिसर्च भी चलती रहती है. कई एक्सपर्ट्स व्रत को शरीर के लिए फायदेमंद (Vrat Ke … Read more

Increase Happy Hormones in the body with these 5 natural methods… will always be worry free and happy

How To Increase Happy Harmones: It is very important to be happy and mentally peaceful in the busy life of office pressure, work at home and many other responsibilities. Because this stress can cause many problems in your body. That’s why keep in mind that the most important thing is your inner peace. For this … Read more

Is your fast increasing weight an invitation to these diseases?

Weight For Health: Weight gain is a big problem. The overall health condition of a person deteriorates due to many reasons and the biggest reason among them is extra fat. We can also call increasing weight a danger because it invites many diseases. Therefore, for most of the diseases, doctors and health experts always advise … Read more

If you want to lose weight fast, stay away from these negative things along with oily food.

Lose Weight Fast: Whenever you want to lose weight fast, you first reduce the consumption of oily food. Also, from focusing on calorie-boosting drinks to cutting down on sweets every bite. So that the desired figure and body can be found as soon as possible. In the midst of all this, when you become full … Read more

Keep yourself hydrated during Karva Chauth fast, follow these easy tips

Karwa Chauth 2022: Suhagins eagerly wait for Karva Chauth. It is believed that on this special occasion, fasting is done for the long life of the husband. It is considered a very difficult fast, because women do not even drink water during this fast. But if you are going to observe this fast for the … Read more

Poor metabolic health parameters are linked to low breast milk production, research shows

New UC research shows that poor metabolic health parameters are linked to low breast milk production. The study was published in the journal lactation medicine. We wanted to see if we could understand what stands out as different about these moms. So, we conducted a case-control study to see why, despite their best efforts … Read more

Keeping fast in Navratri? Consumption of these things will not cause weakness

Navratri Diet Plan: Sharadiya Navratri will start from 26 September. Many people keep a fast for 9 days on this occasion. If you are also fasting on this auspicious occasion, then during this time it is very important for you to take care of your diet for the whole nine days, so that you do … Read more