Why is fig beneficial for the body? Know how and in what quantity should be eaten

Why is fig beneficial for the body?  Know how and in what quantity should be eaten

Anjeer Ke Fayde: Most people eat cashew-almonds, but very few people eat figs. Fig is a healthy and tasty dry fruit. There are many such nutrients in figs that reduce obesity. People who include figs in their diet find it easy to lose weight. Belly fat is reduced by eating figs. Consumption of figs improves … Read more

There are tremendous benefits to the body by eating figs, it removes these problems

Why is fig beneficial for the body?  Know how and in what quantity should be eaten

Health News : Figs are very healthy for health. Iron deficiency in the body can be overcome by its regular consumption. Apart from this, it can be helpful in reducing your body weight. Not only this, you can consume figs to boost the fertility of men and women. Today in this article we will tell … Read more

Eat figs like this to lose weight, you will get a lot of benefits

Eat figs like this to lose weight, you will get a lot of benefits

Anjeer Benefits: Nowadays most people are troubled by obesity. In such a situation, if you want to be thin, then take utmost care of the diet. You must include dry fruits in your diet. This gives energy to the body and fulfills the deficiency of nutrients. You must consume figs for weight loss. Including figs … Read more