Study Reveals How IVF Children May Get Some Advantages in Quality of Life in Adulthood

Study Reveals How IVF Children May Get Some Advantages in Quality of Life in Adulthood

According to a new study, there may be some benefits to quality of life in adulthood in children conceived through assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF. The results of the new study were published in the journal Human Fertility. The study confirms the news for those who conceive with ART and those who need … Read more

6 Health Tips For People Working in Hybrid Work Environment Post Covid-19

6 Health Tips For People Working in Hybrid Work Environment Post Covid-19

Expecting the workplace to return to their daily office routine is tantamount to wishing life on the moon. Becoming adaptable in terms of workplace standards is currently the best option, and thus the work environment has become the new norm.Also read – 3 minor nutritional changes for major health benefits Also read – Weight Loss … Read more

3 Minor Nutritional Tweaks For Major Health Benefits

3 Minor Nutritional Tweaks For Major Health Benefits

Most of us eat the same way all our lives. We stick to the same food comfort zone as it is simple and familiar to us. While this may work for most of us, there are times when the desire to be healthy requires a major dietary change that some find overwhelming. Before you make … Read more

Research Reveals How Greater Body Fat is a Risk Factor For Reduced Thinking Memory Ability

Research Reveals How Greater Body Fat is a Risk Factor For Reduced Thinking Memory Ability

According to a recent study, excess body fat is a risk factor for a decrease in cognitive function in how adults process. For the research, they looked at cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes or high blood pressure, or vascular brain injury. There was a link between body fat and lower cognitive scores. This suggests … Read more

World Obesity Day: 6 Best Ways to Avoid Obesity While Working From Home

World Obesity Day: 6 Best Ways to Avoid Obesity While Working From Home

Remember how we all wish we could work from home? While there are some advantages to not going to the office (such as not wearing a tie or heels) there are also some disadvantages, some of which can be detrimental to your health.Also read – 3 simple steps to lose weight fast, supported by evidence … Read more

5 Kitchen Friendly Foods That Can Help in Boosting Physical And Mental Health

5 Kitchen Friendly Foods That Can Help in Boosting Physical And Mental Health

What you eat has a direct effect on your body. Healthy food ingredients can only be found in your kitchen! You no longer have to go hunting for it. The kitchen is a step towards natural alternatives to healthy lentils, flour and calorie processed foods. It can be delicious if you put it together!Also read … Read more

Food Tips: Here Are 6 Nutritious Fact About Pistachios

Food Tips: Here Are 6 Nutritious Fact About Pistachios

Pistachios have many health benefits. It is also known as green walnut and smiling walnut. It is available in different parts of the world. Throughout history, people have been consuming pistachios. Read on to know the good facts about pistachios.Also read – Research shows how the epidemic has affected the period 1) Your snack partner: … Read more

Research Reveals How The Pandemic Has Affected Periods

Research Reveals How The Pandemic Has Affected Periods

Covid-19 adversely affects periods. Many people have reported disruptions in their menstrual cycle, some noticing changes after catching the virus, others after vaccination. For some, the interruptions did not follow either, but were still noticeable. But before trying to determine the cause of these changes, it is important to note that people’s cycles change.Also read … Read more